About changing targets that detect or record user behavior

If you are changing the default behavior of targets that detect or record user behavior, you should approach the customization in specific ways, depending on your customization goal.

The targets that detect or record user behavior are:

  • Current Page
  • Catalog Browsing Behavior
  • Online Behavior
  • External Site Referral
  • Cookie Contents
  • Social Commerce Participation

Typically, you should not extend the task command, that is, CustomerFilterUserBehaviorTargetTaskCmd, or any of the classes that extend from this task command. Instead, choose one of the following options depending on what you are trying to do:

Goal What to do
You want to change how to detect when a customer has done something related to the target, that is, you want to change any of the parameters defined in the behavior rule definition for the target. Change the behavior rule definition for the target.
You want to specify a different way to compare actual values with the value defined in the business rule. Implement the user behavior rule task command (UserBehaviorRuleTaskCmd).
You want to implement additional handling when the marketing services detect an event. Implement the behavior rule task command (BehaviorRuleTaskCmd).

The options in the previous table apply only to targets that detect or record user behavior. For targets that do not detect or record user behavior, the correct approach for changing their behavior is to extend the existing task command for the campaign element, that is, the class for the target that extends from MarketingCampaignElementTaskCmd.