Deploying HCL Commerce Version to authoring and live environments with Docker Compose (for non-production usage)

You can set up a simple production environment, consisting of an authoring environment and a live environment, completely with Docker Compose. Generally, you would deploy an authoring and live environment to work together, where you can update and modify your store in the authoring environment, and then propagate the changes to the live environment.

  • This environment should not be used for a live production site as it misses some required production grade components and considerations, such as security hardening, deployment orchestration and load balancing for high availability support, ingress routing, and performance tuning capabilities. To operate HCL Commerce Version 9.0 in a live production environment, you must deploy it in a Kubernetes cluster and commit further time and resources to performance and security considerations.

    With load balancing and ingress routing specifically, you can configure which services you want to expose externally, and restrict the remaining services within the cluster network. This configuration limits their access from and exposure to the wider Internet.

About this task

Review the differences between an authoring and live environment.
A live environment includes the capabilities that are required for a running HCL Commerce production site and serve end-user traffic.
An authoring environment, commonly referred to as auth, includes extra capabilities beyond the capabilities of a live environment. In an authoring environment, site administrators or business users can make changes to your store and then test and preview the changes. Once confirmed to be correct, the changes can then be propagated to the live environment. The authoring environment also has workspaces enabled. This workspace feature allows business users fine-grained control over site changes before they are propagated to the live environment. For more information on the authoring environment, see Authoring environment.

This section provides a method for deploying an authoring and live environment by using native Docker Compose scripts, without any advanced Docker orchestration tools. Use this method to learn and understand how an authoring and live environment interact. When you are ready to create a production environment to serve real shoppers, you will want to build a more complex system. For more information, see Planning your production environment infrastructure.

As illustrated in following image, you deploy an authoring environment to include the search-master node, and connect the authoring environment to a staging database. You deploy a live environment to include the search-repeater and search-subordinate nodes, and connect the live environment to a production database.
