
Deploying an HCL Commerce environment locally for testing, debugging, or developing

You can deploy an HCL Commerce environment locally for developing, testing, or debugging. This method is suitable if you want to set up a local production environment for your own use.

You must build a more complex system for your end-use production environment. For more information, see Planning your production environment infrastructure.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the Docker images are loaded to your private Docker registry. If you are an administrator responsible for your Docker registry, see Downloading HCL Commerce software.
  • Ensure that your machine has the minimum requirements of a 2 core processor, 8 GB RAM, and 50 GB free disk space.
  • DB2Prepare IBM Db2 Version or later for use with your HCL Commerce application. For more information, see Using an IBM Db2 database.
  • OraclePrepare Oracle 12c Release 2 or later for use with your HCL Commerce application. For more information, see Using an Oracle database.


  1. Install Docker.
    1. Install Docker Version 17.06 or later.
    2. Install Docker Compose Version 1.10 or later.
    3. Consider creating a Docker Unix group.
      Note: You need to prefix sudo to Docker commands if you do not create a Docker Unix group. For more information, see Manage Docker as a non-root user.
  2. Download the following sample file and update fields to suit your environment.
    Note: If the link does not prompt you to save, right-click and save the file. Open the file in a source code editor to view and edit in the proper YAML format.

    The YAML files are samples that assume that you are using a Db2 Docker image. Ensure that you update all the parameters that are in angle brackets <>. The sample files are commented with descriptions of the parameters.

  3. In a command line, go to where you downloaded the docker-compose.yml file.
  4. Run the following command to download the Docker images and deploy the Docker containers.
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
    • If the images are not already on your machine, the command downloads Docker images from your registry. The images are approximately 10 GB in total so the duration of this command depends on your Internet connection.
    • Whenever your Docker virtual machine is restarted, restart the Docker containers by rerunning the docker-compose -f file up -d command.
  5. If you loaded sample data into your database, then build the Solr-based search index.
    1. Send the following REST request (POST) and add basic authentication with login as spiuser and the password for the spiuser.
      You can build the search index by using one of the following methods:
      • By using the curl utility. Use the following curl command with the spiuser plain text password.
        curl -k -u spiuser:spiuserPassword -X POST https://transaction_server_hostname:5443/wcs/resources/admin/index/dataImport/build?masterCatalogId=10001
      • By using a browser plug-in such as HttpRequester (for Mozilla Firefox) or Postman (for Google Chrome). Use the following URL and authenticate with user spiuser and the spiuser plain text password.
      Important: To set a password for the spiuser, see Setting the spiuser password in your Docker images.

      Note the jobstatusId that you get in the response, for example, {"jobstatusId":"xxxxx"}.

    2. Use the jobstatusId and send the following REST request (GET) to check the request execution status.
      Again, use basic authentication with spiuser and the spiuser password.
      When successful, you will get a Status: 200 OK and response similar to the following example:
      response content: {
      "finishTime":"2017-08-01 06:49:31.395759",
      "lastUpdate":"2017-08-01 06:49:31.395759",
      "startTime":"2017-08-01 06:48:17.369909",
      "message":"Indexing job started for masterCatalogId:10,001. Indexing job finished successfully for masterCatalogId:10001.",
  6. Ensure that you can log in to Management Center.
    • https://transaction_server_hostname:8000/lobtools/cmc/ManagementCenter>
  7. Ensure that you can visit the Aurora starter store.
    • https://store_server_hostname:8443/wcs/shop/en/auroraesite

What to do next