
Uninstalling the Update Installer by using the graphical user interface

You can uninstall the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer (UPDI) by using an interactive method, which uses a graphical interface.The WebSphere Commerce Update Installer undergoes regular maintenance and offers updated versions. Before you install an updated version, you must uninstall the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the appropriate privileges:
  • Log on:
    • As a root user
    • Or as a non-root user that owns WC_installdir
  • Important: If UPDI was installed by the root user, only the root user can uninstall UPDI.
  • WindowsLog on to a user that has Windows Administrative user rights.


  1. Navigate to the UPDI_installdir/ uninstall directory.
  2. Launch the uninstall wizard by issuing the one of the following commands:
    • LinuxAIX./uninstall
    • Windowsuninstall.exe
  3. Complete the uninstall wizard panels. To verify that the uninstall was successful, check the UPDI_installdir/logs/uninstall/log.txt file.
  4. Delete the UPDI_installdir from your machine.