Use of Facebook integration Like and Send buttons

The Like button is an easy way for Facebook users to share things they like on the web with their Facebook friends. Shoppers can also send content to their friends by clicking Send.

Screen capture of the Facebook Like and Send buttons

Like and Send buttons: attributes

The Facebook Like button is added to the AuroraESite store that use Facebook APIs.
<fb:like id="social_facebook_Details_Like_Button_Display" 
	href="<c:out value="${catEntryDisplayUrl}"/>" 
	layout="button_count"  send="true" 	width="125" height="30" 
	action="like"  colorscheme="light" 
	ref="${categoryId}+${productId}+${bundle.partNumber}+${bundle.manufacturerName}" ></fb:like>
The URL to like
Specifies whether to also include the Send button in the plugin
standard: Displays social text to the right of the button and friends' profile photos below
button_count: Displays the total number of likes to the right of the button
box_count: Displays the total number of likes above the button
Specifies whether to display profile photos below the button
The width of the plugin, in pixels
The height of the plugin, in pixels
The font of the plugin
The color scheme of the plugin. Choice of light or dark
Choice of Like or Recommend as the button name
A label for tracking referrals. Causes two parameters to be added to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from a stream story about a 'Like' action
  • fb_ref, which is the ref parameter
  • fb_source, which is the stream type and the story type that is concatenated with an underscore
For more information, see Facebook: Like button.