WebSphere Commerce Version or later

Catalog export sample inputs and scenarios

You can work with the catalog export REST API inputs to customize how catalog data gets exported.

Entering JSON input in the REST body

The catalog_export class accepts optional comma-separated values in JSON format:
Indicates whether to export full or delta catalog data. The default value is full.
A list of CSV columns to export. The default value is all columns.
The ID of the catalog to export. The default value is the master catalog.
The ID of the language to export. The default value is the default store language.
For example, to scope the catalog export based on the 10001 catalog ID, specify the following JSON in the body:

catalogId : "10001"

In addition to the supported optional values, you can also specify the optional query parameters that are available to all REST services. For a list of all the optional query parameters that can be used with the WebSphere Commerce REST API, see WebSphere Commerce Storefront REST API.

Exporting full or delta catalog data by using the WebSphere Commerce REST API

You can export either full or delta catalog data. To do so, specify the following optional parameter when you post the body of the catalog_export class:
Indicates whether to export full or delta catalog data. The default value is full.

If you specify a delta build, the catalog_download class accepts a value for the deleted parameter. This parameter indicates whether the downloaded file contains only deleted objects since the last export.

The default value for the deleted parameter is false, which indicates that the CSV file contains only the new or updated objects, not deleted objects.