WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseFeature Pack 3: Deprecated featureWebSphere Commerce Professional

Create a workspace

In this step, you play the role of Jim, a workspace manager, responsible for managing the process of how content is created, updated, and deployed to the store. You create a workspace that is designed to support processes for content change that are done regularly. For the tutorial, the workspace contains a recurring type task group to introduce new products to the catalog. This type of task group consists of tasks that are performed by the same individuals and each time the process is approved and completed, it is automatically restarted. You also create a template from this task group that can be used later.

Introduced in Feature Pack 3Note: The Workspace Administration Tool is deprecated. The Workspace Management tool replaces all of the workspace management features in the Workspace Administration Tool and the Tasks tool. If your site uses the Workspace Management tool, do not follow the steps that are contained within this tutorial. Instead, see Workspace Management tool.


  1. Log in to the Workspace Administration tool as the user Jim at the following URL:

    https:// host_name:8000/webapp/wcs/wkspcadmin/servlet/ToolsLogon?XMLFile=workspaceadmin.WorkspaceAdminLogon

    Where host_name is the fully qualified WebSphere Commerce web server host name.
  2. Select Workspaces > Manage Workspaces.
  3. Create a workspace. The workspace defines the set of data that is to be changed by the task groups and tasks within.
    1. Click New workspace.
    2. Set the values for the new workspace:
      1. Under Workspace type, select Persistent. This selection indicates that this workspace remains active for continuous change processes.
      2. Set the Language to United States English. The language selection indicates the language of workspace name and description.
      3. In the Workspace name field, type Maintenance. The workspace name is displayed in the tree view of the Workspace Administration Tool. If you do not specify a workspace name, a workspace name is generated for you.
      4. In the Description field, type Workspace for routine updates to catalog and marketing.

      With the fields completed, the New workspace panel looks like the following image:

      Screen capture
    3. Click OK.
  4. Create a task group in the workspace you created:
    1. Select the Maintenance workspace and click New task group.
    2. Set the values for the new task group:
      1. Under Task Group Type, select Recurring. This task group represents a repetitive process that is restarted upon completion.
      2. Set the date on which this task group is to be completed.

        The due date is used only for reference. WebSphere Commerce does not use this due date information in any of its processing.

      3. From Available approvers list, select elle and click Add Approvers.
      4. Set the Language to United States English. The language selection indicates the language of task group name and description.
      5. In the Task Group Name field, type Product introductions. The task group name is displayed in the tree view of the Workspace Administration Tool. If you do not specify a task group name, a task group name is generated for you.
      6. In the Description field, type Task group to introduce products into the master catalog.

      With the fields completed, the New task group panel looks like the following image:

      Screen capture
    3. Click OK.
  5. Create one task within the workspace and task group you created:
    1. Select the Product introductions task group and click New task.
    2. Set the values for the new task:
      1. Set the due date to a date one week in the future. This date is when you expect this task to be completed.

        The due date is used only for reference. WebSphere Commerce does not use this due date information in any of its processing.

      2. From the Available Content Contributors list, select mike and click Add Content Contributors.
      3. Set the Language to United States English. The language selection indicates the language of task name and description.
      4. In the Task Name field, type Create product. The task name is displayed in the tree view of the Workspace Administration Tool. If you do not specify a task name, a task name is generated for you.
      5. In the Description field, type Create product with description and information.

      With the fields completed, the New task panel looks like the following image.

      Screen capture
    3. Click OK to create the task.
  6. Save the task group as a template that can be used for other processes that must introduce products:

    From the tree, select the Product introductions task group and click Save as template. This task group template can be used to create new task groups that have the same set of tasks and contributors.

    Screen capture