WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce Professional

Creating a customer profile

You create customer profiles to be able to place an order on behalf of a customer. When you create a customer profile, you must enter information in the required fields, marked with an asterisk. All other fields are optional; however, the Country, Preferred Language, and Preferred Currency fields are populated with the default locale information from the Customer Preferences page. If necessary, you can modify the pre-populated fields.

About this task

Although entering address information is optional when creating a customer profile, you must have entered a single shipping and billing address or separate shipping and billing addresses before you can submit an order for the customer.


  1. Log on to the IBM Sales Center.
  2. Select a store.
  3. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Right-click the store in the Stores view, and then click Create > Customer.
    • Select the store in the Stores view, and then click Customer > Create Customer from the main menu.
  4. Enter information in the required fields:
    • Enter the Organization name. You can also search for an organization by clicking Find. If you want to create a new organization, this is performed in the Organization Administration Console.
    • Enter the Logon ID, which must be a unique Logon ID for this customer. This name is also used as the customer's Web registration name and is automatically populated in the Logon ID field on the Web Registration page.
    • Enter the Last name.
  5. Enter primary address information in the Address line 1 field. You can select a country or region if yours is not listed.
  6. Optional: Enter information or change the default entries for any fields on any of the other pages:
    • Enter additional customer name information in the First name and Middle name fields, and then select a Title. You can enter a title if yours is not listed.
    • Enter Employment information.
    • Enter Contact information.
    • Create secondary shipping or billing addresses.
    • Select Preferences.
    • Enter Web access information.
    • Select and type Demographics information.

    Note: If a registered customer wants the capability to reset their password, an e-mail address and challenge answer must exist in their profile.

  7. Click Create.