Feature Pack 4 or later

Mobile Web starter stores register page

The register page enables customers to register with the store. Registering with the store provides personalized services, including a shopping list, advance notice on promotions, order status, and an address book.

Note: Smart phone and tablet starter store pages that contain name and address fields are provided as samples, and must be customized based on locale. That is, for example, that different locales might require different ordering or positioning of the name and address fields.

The smart phone register page is simplified to reduce typing on a mobile device, and does not contain the address fields found in the Madisons starter store and tablet. These fields are only required to be filled out on smart phones when completing a checkout flow and shipping to an address.

Screen captures

The register page is available on both smart phone and tablet devices.

Smart phone screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Smart phone register page
Feature Pack 6 or later
Smart phone register page

Tablet screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Tablet register page

Elements of the register page

The register page contains the following page elements:

JSP files

  • UserRegistrationAddForm.jsp represents the smart phone page.
  • RegistrationDialog.jspf represents the tablet page.


  • When Submit is tapped,PersonProcessServicePersonRegister is called.