Feature Pack 4 or later

Mobile Web starter stores coupons page

The coupons page contains a coupon wallet that manages each coupon captured by a registered customer. A coupon is captured and added to the customer's coupon wallet, for example, by clicking a coupon banner or link. The customer can view, remove, and check the details of their coupons in their coupon wallet.

Screen captures

The coupons page is available on both smart phone and tablet devices.

Smart phone screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Smart phone coupons page
Feature Pack 6 or later
Smart phone coupons page

Tablet screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Tablet coupons page

Elements of the coupons page

The coupons page contains the following page elements:

JSP files

  • CouponWalletDisplay.jsp represents the smart phone page.
  • MyCouponsView.jsp represents the tablet page.


  • When Details is tapped, DiscountDetailsDisplay is called and displays the coupon details.
  • When Remove is tapped, WalletItemProcessServiceDelete is called.