Feature Pack 4 or later

Working with the Open Graph tagging for Facebook integration

The Open Graph protocol has been developed by Facebook to help understand how to best present a web page when posted to Facebook. Open Graph Protocol <meta> tags are added to the <head> of your web site. These tags let Facebook know to add your page as an interest in the Activities and Interests section of your Facebook profile as well as how best to present your page with a name, picture and short description.

Open Graph:

  • Enables you to integrate your web pages into the social graph
  • Defines how your page is represented on Facebook
  • Makes your page equivalent to a Facebook Page
  • Makes your page appear in the "Likes and Interests" section of the user's profile
Facebook scrapes your page looking for these tags:
  • Every 24 hours to know how to display the page and ensure the properties are up to date
  • When an administrator for the Open Graph page clicks the Like button
  • When the URL is entered into the Facebook URL Linter

Sample tags for a Low maintenance battery:

<meta property="og:title" content="Product: Low maintenance battery" /> 
<meta property="og:type" content="product"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="http://host.com/wcsstore/MadisonsStorefrontAssetStore/images/logo.gif" />
<meta property="og:url" content="http://host.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/en/madisonsesite/low-maintenance-battery"/>
<meta property="fb:app_id" name="fb_app_id" content="176261415784600"/>
The name of the store or product
The type of page being indexed (in the case of a store, either the home or product page): product, home
An image URL of the store or product to be displayed on Facebook
The canonical url of the page, so other Facebook users can click on the url to be directed to your store
The Facebook application ID
Optional parameters include:
A human-readable name for your site
A one to two sentence description of your page
For more information, see Open Graph