Deprecated feature

Migrating Payments application using two machines

This migration migrates your current version of the Payments application (which is installed on one machine) to the WebSphere Commerce Payments Version 7.0 (which is installed on a different machine). After migration, the migrated Payments instance on your WebSphere Commerce Payments Version 7.0 machine and the original Payments instance can continue to function. For example, if you have a previous version of Payments application, you can migrate the application to WebSphere Commerce Payments Version 7.0 on another machine. The migration allows both the original application and the migrated application to run concurrently on the two machines.


  1. Ensure you have installed the Remote WebSphere Commerce Management Utilities component on the machine running a previous version of WebSphere Commerce.
    1. For IBM i OS operating systemPerform the following steps before proceeding to migrate your WebSphere Commerce Payments instance.
      1. Create a temporary directory in /QIBM/USERDATA/ on the new IBM i system and copy the following files into their respective directories. An example of the temporary directory is /QIBM/USERDATA/CommerceServerMigrate.
        • copy OldCommerceDir/instances/ to /QIBM/USERDATA/CommerceServerMigrate/
        • copy OldCommerceDir/payments/instances/payment_instance_name to /QIBM/USERDATA/CommerceServerMigrate/payments/instances/
        • copy /www/payment_instance_name to /www/
        is the previous WebSphere Commerce installation directory for the IBM i system. For example, /QIBM/USERDATA/CommerceServer60.
        is the migrating payments instance name. For example, wpm.
      2. Create temporary directories under /QIBM/PRODDATA/ and /QIBM/USERDATA/ on the new IBM i system and copy the following files into their respective directories.
        • For example, if WebSphere Application Server version 6 is used on the previous IBM i system, the following file paths are sample temporary directories: QIBM/PRODDATA/AppServerMigrate/V6/ND/ and /QIBM/USERDATA/AppServerMigrate/V6/ND/.
          • copy EARExpander and setupCmdLine from AppServer7Dir/bin/ to /QIBM/PRODDATA/AppServerMigrate/V6/ND/bin/
          • copy OldAppServerDir/profiles/payment_instance_name to /QIBM/USERDATA/AppServerMigrate/V6/ND/profiles/
          • copy /www/payment_instance_name to /www/
          is the WebSphere Application Server 7 installation directory on the new IBM i system. For example, /QIBM/PRODDATA/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/ND/.
          is the previous Application Server installation directory on the previous IBM i system. For example, /QIBM/USERDATA/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/.
          is the migrating payments instance name. For example, wpm.
        • For example, if WebSphere Application Server version 5.1 is used on the previous IBM i system, the following file paths are sample temporary directories: /QIBM/PRODDATA/AppServerMigrate/Base/ and /QIBM/USERDATA/AppServerMigrate/Base/.
          • copy EARExpander and setupCmdLine from AppServer7Dir/bin/ to /QIBM/PRODDATA/AppServerMigrate/Base/bin/.
          • copy OldAppServerDir/WAS_instance_name to /QIBM/USERDATA/AppServerMigrate/Base/.
          is the WebSphere Application Server 7 installation directory on the new IBM i system. For example, /QIBM/PRODDATA/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/ND/.
          is the previous Application Server installation directory on the previous IBM i system. For example,/QIBM/USERDATA/WebAS51/Base/.
          is the related WebSphere Application Server instance name. For example, wpmwas.
      3. Follow the steps in Migrating Payments application using one machine to run the migration on the new IBM i system.
    2. Insert the WebSphere Commerce Version 7.0 media into the drive on the machine where the previous version of WebSphere Commerce is installed.
      Note: You might also be prompted to insert a WebSphere Application Server supplemental DVD.
    3. If you are not running AIX 5.3, and are not forced to cancel the installation, select Custom installation and choose to install only the Remote WebSphere Commerce Management Utilities component.
    4. AIXIf you run the installation on AIX version 5.3, you may get an error forcing you to cancel the installation, with a message similar to the following example:
      AIX 53 Maintenance Level 06-01 was detected.  AIX 53 Maintenance level 07-01 is required.
      Upgrading your operating system will prevent this message. If you do not want to upgrade your old WebSphere Commerce server operating system, an alternate migration path has been provided. Perform the following steps:
      1. On the target machine, create a previous WebSphere Commerce directory. For example, /usr/IBM/WebSphere/Commerce60.
      2. Copy the folders from source machine to the directory created in the preceding step to the target machine.
        • WC_installdir/instances
        • WC_installdir/payments/instances
      3. On the target machine, create WebSphere Application Server directories corresponding to the previous version. For example, /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer6 and /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer6/bin.
      4. On the target machine, copy the folders App6Dir/profiles/payment instance name from the source machine to the WebSphere Application Server directory created in the preceding step .
      5. On target machine, copy the and files from the App7Dir/bin to WAS_installdir/bin directory created in step 1.d.iii.
      6. Change the owner for these newly created directories and files by running the following command: chown -R wasuser:wasgroup tempDir
  2. For IBM i OS operating systemEnsure the user, who will be running the Payments migration, has the SECOFR class authority.
  3. Ensure the Payments database tier has been migrated to WebSphere Commerce Payments Version 7.0 level.
  4. SolarisLinuxAIXYou should run WCIM as the same user you use to start your WebSphere Commerce application server. You must use a non-root user, for example, wasuser to do so. To switch to the wasuser type su - wasuser.
  5. If you have any third-party cassette installed on your previous release, ensure that you have copied the following directory from your previous release to the corresponding directory of WC_installdir/payments/cassettes/third-party_cassette_name
  6. SolarisLinuxAIXWCIM connects to the migrated Payments database, so you need to ensure that the user running WCIM can access this database.
  7. Back up your previous Payments application. If you will be migrating your existing Payments application to another machine, you will first need to back up your existing Payments application. The backup is copied to the WebSphere Commerce 7.0 machine where it is migrated.
    1. Navigate to the WC70_installdir/bin directory, where WC70_installdir is the WebSphere Commerce Version 7 install directory.
    2. Run the following script. The following command backs up your current Payments application without any special options (this is sufficient for most migrations):
      • -component wpm -from previous_version -action backup -instanceName payments_instance_name
      • wcimRemoteBackupWPM.bat -component wpm -from previous_version -action backup -instanceName payments_instance_name


        • previous_version is wcp561, or wcp60 depending on the version of WebSphere Commerce Payments you are migrating from.
        • payments_instance_name is the name of your previous Payments instance.

        You are prompted for the following input:

        • The location of the previous Payments installation directory for example, WCP561_installdir, or WCP60_installdir depending on the version of WebSphere Commerce Payments you are migrating from.
        • The location of the previous Commerce installation directory. On Windows for example, one of C:\Program Files\WebSphere\CommerceServer561 or C:\Program Files\WebSphere\CommerceServer60 depending on the version of WebSphere Commerce you are migrating from.
        • The location of the previous WebSphere Application Server installation directory according to the WebSphere Application Server Version you are migrating from. On Windows, the default is C:\Program_Files\WebSphere\AppServer.
        • The previous WebSphere Application Server node name.
      • Enter the previous WebSphere Application Server installation directory.
    3. Running the wcimRemoteBackupWPM script produces a ZIP file and an EAR file on the previous version payments machine:
      ZIP file
      • For IBM i OS operating systemWC70_userdir/temp/zip/your_backup_file
      • SolarisLinuxAIXWC70_installdir/temp/zip/your_backup_file
      • Windows WC70_installdir\temp\zip\your_backup_file
      Where your_backup_file is either or
      EAR file
      • For IBM i OS operating systemWC70_userdir/temp/zip/ payments_instance_name_Commerce_Payments_App.ear
      • SolarisLinuxAIX WC70_installdir/temp/zip/ payments_instance_name_Commerce_Payments_App.ear
      • Windows WC70_installdir\temp\zip\ payments_instance_name_Commerce_Payments_App.ear
  8. Review the contents of the log file to make sure that no problems were encountered. WCIM generates log files in the following directory on the previous version Payments machine:
    • For IBM i OS operating system WC70_userdir/logs/WCIM/payments_instance_name
    • SolarisLinuxAIX WC70_installdir/logs/WCIM/payments_instance_name
    • Windows WC70_installdir\logs\WCIM\payments_instance_name
  9. Transfer the back up ZIP file and EAR file to your target machine:
    Copy the generated ZIP file and ear file for example, and wpm_Commerce_Payments_App.ear, to the following directory on your target
    • For IBM i OS operating system WC70_userdir/temp/zip
    • SolarisLinuxAIXWC70_installdir/temp/zip
    • Windowsinstalldir\temp\zip
    Note: Do not unpackage the .ZIP file. The WCIM script that is run in the next step will handle the extracting.
  10. Migrate the Payments application.
    WCIM requires access to the backup ZIP file, for example, in the subdirectory under the migration working directory. The working directory is set to either WC70_installdir or WC70_userdir depending on your operating system.
    1. If there is third-party or custom cassette installed for the old instance, copy the content in the Old_WC_installdir/payments/cassettes/cassetteName directory to the New_WC_installdir/payments/cassettes/cassetteName directory. If the third-party or custom cassette provides an installation script, install the cassette to the new New_WC_installdir.
    2. Run the WCIM script, with any optional flags that may be required, to migrate your Payments application to the WebSphere Commerce Payments Version 7.0 level.
      The following WCIM command migrates your current Payments application with minimal options:
      • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIX -component wpm -from previous_version 
           -action migrate -instanceName payments_instance_name 
      • Windows
        wcim.bat -component wpm -from previous_version
           -action migrate -instanceName payments_instance_name

        where previous_version is either wcp561, or wcp60 and payments_instance_name is the previous Payment instance name.

      The WCIM script will prompt you for the following items. Provide the values for your system as responses to the prompts:
      • Whether a new Web server host name is used for the new instance (Enter yes).
      • Whether the new Web server is remote for the new instance?
        Note: This prompt will only be shown if yes was answered previously.
        The default is "no".

        SolarisLinuxAIXWindowsIf "yes", you must provide whether the new web server is ibm http server, the remote web server install path (For example, c:\IBMHTTPServer7), remote web server Config file path (For example, c:\IBMHTTPServer7), and the remote WebSphere plugin install path (For example, c:\ibm\websphere\plugins). If the new remote web server is ibm http server, the path must be specified because the newly generated configuration file will be placed here using FTP or be copied using a mapped remote path. If you select to copy the generated httpd.conf file and plugin-cfg.xml to a remote Web server host, you need to map the remote path to the local machine.

      • The current WebSphere Application Server node name.
      • The new WebSphere Application Server node name (the default is your current host name).
      • The Web server host name (specify a fully-qualified host name).
      • The existing Payments database user ID.
      • The existing Payments database user password if the payments database is remote.
      • The host name of the associated WebSphere Commerce instance (specify a fully-qualified host name).
      • The new Payments instance name.
        Note: If the new Payments instance name you enter already exists, WCIM will prompt you to enter another new instance name. The instance name is no more than 12 characters, otherwise WCIM will prompt you to enter another new instance name.
      • DB2The new schema of the new payments database.
        Note: This prompt will only be shown if yes was answered previously.
      • DB2Whether a new database schema owner will be used for the migrated payment database.
      • The existing Payments database name.
      • The migrated Payments instance password. This password must be the same as the previous Payments password in Payments 5.6.1 or 6.0.
      • The migrated Payments database name for the Payments application.
      • The migrated Payments database User ID.
      • The migrated Payments database password. The database password must be the same as the password for the previous Payments database.
      • The migrated Payments database location. Answer yes for remote database, or no for local database. The default is no.

        Input the database hostname and port.

      • The host name of the associated WebSphere Commerce instance (specify a fully-qualified host name).
      • Messages are posted during the migration of the Payments application. When the migration is completed, messages similar to the following are posted:
        • WebSphere Server Application Server administrative console for the profile can be accessed at port 9,162.
        • Event: WCIM has completed the jobs successfully.
        Note: Record the port number listed in the message above.
  11. SolarisLinuxAIXWindowsConfigure the Web server for the migrated Payments application. WCIM only supports the configuring of IBM HTTP Server Version 6.0 or later. For other Web servers, you need to configure them manually.
    1. Run the following script:
      • SolarisLinuxAIX
        ./ -component wpm -from older_version
        -action config -instanceName payments_instance_name
      • Windows
        wcim.bat -component wpm -from older_version -action config 
           -instanceName payments_instance_name
      The WCIM script will prompt you for the following items. Provide the values for your system as responses to the prompts:
      • Enter your previous Payments instance name.
      • Enter your migrated Payments instance name.
      • Whether a new Web server will be used. If yes is entered, you will be prompted to input the new Web server hostname. If no is entered, the original Web server hostname will be extracted from the previous_payments_instance.xml file.
        Running the WCIM command will configure the IBM HTTP Server for your Payments application to Version 7.0 level. If the Web server is in local, then the newly created httpd.conf file is located in the following directory:
        • SolarisLinuxAIX WC70_installdir/instances/new_PMInst_Name/httpconf/httpd.conf
        • WindowsWC70_installdir\instances\new_PMInst_Name\httpconf\httpd.conf

      If the Web server is remote from Payments application, the httpd.conf will be placed under the remote config file path specified when migrating the application.

    2. Check the newly configured httpd.conf to ensure the configuration is correct before starting the migrated Payments instance.

What to do next

Post payments application and database tier migration steps.