Configuring the site to use WebSphere Commerce Accelerator Marketing instead of the Management Center Marketing tool

If you migrate to WebSphere Commerce Version 7, but you do not want to use the Marketing tool in Management Center, you must modify an attribute in a configuration file. As a result, your site will use the marketing runtime that works with WebSphere Commerce Accelerator instead of the marketing services that work with Management Center. After you make this change, business users must manage all marketing information, such as Web activites and e-Marketing Spots, using WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

About this task

You can continue to use the e-Marketing Spot JSP snippet for WebSphere Commerce Accelerator on your store pages rather than the e-Marketing Spot JSP snippet for Management Center.

Note that the starter stores supplied with WebSphere Commerce Version 7 use the e-Marketing Spot JSP snippet for Management Center. Also, the Web activities for the starter stores are created in the Management Center Marketing tool.


  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file in a text editor.
  2. To use WebSphere Commerce Accelerator for marketing management:
    1. Find the<Marketing> element.
      It looks like the following example:
      <Marketing version="Dialog"/>
    2. Change the version attribute of the <Marketing> element so that the value is Classic.

      There are two marketing versions: Classic refers to the pre-Version 6 Feature Pack 3 marketing runtime that works with WebSphere Commerce Accelerator; Dialog refers to the marketing services that work with Management Center. When you set this value to Classic, you must use WebSphere Commerce Accelerator for all marketing functions.

  3. Save your changes.
  4. Propagate your changes to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.