Introduced in Feature Pack 2

Creating the Versions tab in the properties view

Introduced in Feature Pack 2 In this lesson, you add a "Versions" tab in the properties view of both the Recipe and RecipeCollection objects. You will customize RecipePropertiesViews.def to add a tab named "Versions" that displays a list of versions for the Recipe object. You also customize RecipeCollectionPropertiesView.def to add a tab named "Versions" for the RecipeCollection object.

About this task


  1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > mycompany > recipe > propertiesViews.
  2. Open the RecipePropertiesViews.def file.
  3. Define the object properties section for versioning.
    1. Search for the following line of code:
      <PropertyGroup groupTitle="${extRecipeResources.recipe_GeneralInformationSection}" open="true">
    2. Copy the following code snippet before the preceding line of code so the object properties section will display before the general section:
      <PropertyGroup baseDefinitionName="wcfPropertyAssetInformationGroup" collapsable="true" open="true"/>
  4. Enclose the object properties section and the general information section within the tags <PropertyPane> and </PropertyPane>.
    1. Add the following code snippet before the line added in the previous step.
    2. Search for the next occurrence of the following line of code:
    3. Add the following code snippet after the preceding line of code:
  5. Add the Versions tab to the definitions file for the Recipe object.
    1. Search for the following line of code:
      <PropertyTabPane name="recipeAssociation" text="${extRecipeResources.associationTab}">	     
      		 		<PropertyChildListEditor baseDefinitionName="recRecipeAssociationList"/>		 	   		 
    2. Copy the following code snippet before the preceding line of code so the Versions tab will display to the left of the association tab:
      <!-- This tab is for supporting version reference of a Recipe -->
      <PropertyTabPane name="manageVersionTab" text="${extRecipeResources.recipe_VersionDisplayTabname}">
      	<!-- Only show this tab if the object type is recipe, Content Version is enabled  -->
      		<EnablementAndCondition conditionId="recipeManageVersionTabCondition">
      			<EnablementCondition checkObjectDefinition="true" propertyName="objectType" enablementValue="Recipe" conditionId="recipeManageVersionObjectTypeCondition"/>
      			<EnablementCondition contextName="contentVersionEnabled" enablementValue="true" conditionId="recipeContentVersionContextValueCondition"/>
      			<EnablementCondition checkNewObject="true" enablementValue="false" conditionId="recipeContentVersionNewObjectCondition"/>
      			<EnablementCondition enablementValue="" propertyName="objectVersionId" conditionId="noObjectVersionIdCondition"/>
      	<!-- Property Pane: Manage Version. This is an instantiation of the property pane definition which contains versions. -->
      	<PropertyPane baseDefinitionName="wcfManageContentVersion"/>
      • The PropertyPaneTab defines the widget that displays the list of versions.
      • The EnablementAndCondition defines four conditions that must be satisfied in order for the tab to be displayed in the user interface. The conditionId must be unique within this PropertyTabPane.
      • The first condition verifies that the property pane is displaying a version of the object type.
      • The second condition ensures that the content versioning feature is enabled.
      • The third condition ensures that the object is not a new object. The property pane is not displayed when a new object has been created but has not been saved.
      • The fourth condition ensures that the property pane is not displayed when a version of the object is being displayed.
  6. Save and close the RecipePropertiesViews.def file.
  7. Add the Versions tab for the RecipeCollection object.
    The RecipeCollectionPropertiesView.def file only defines one tab for display the General RecipeCollection information. You create a new tab for Versions to display version related information for the UIObject "RecipeCollection".
    1. Open the RecipeCollectionPropertiesView.def file.
    2. Add the new tab to the file.
      The complete RecipeCollectionPropertiesView.def file:
      		@Class: recCollectionProperties 
      		@Extends: wcfObjectProperties
      		@Purpose: Recipe Collection Properties Notebook
      		This class is used to display the properties notebook of an recipe collection.
      	<ObjectProperties definitionName="recCollectionProperties" title="${extRecipeResources.recipeCollection_PropertiesTitle}">
      		<PropertyTabs name="tabs">
      		<!-- This tab is  for RecipeCollection's general information -->
      			<PropertyTabPane text="${extRecipeResources.recipeCollection_GenralDisplayTabname}">
      				<!--  To define the object properties section for version -->
      						<PropertyGroup baseDefinitionName="wcfPropertyAssetInformationGroup" collapsable="true" open="true"/>  
      						<PropertyGroup groupTitle="${extRecipeResources.recipeCollection_GeneralInformationSection}" open="true">						
      						<!-- Property: Name. An input box for the name property. -->		
      							<PropertyInputText promptText="${extRecipeResources.recipeCollectionName_DisplayName}" propertyName="collectionName" required="true"/>								            
      						<!-- Property: Long Description. A rich text editor for the long description property. -->    
      							<PropertyInputMultiLineText objectPath="RecipeCollectionDescription" promptText="${extRecipeResources.recipeCollectionDesc_DisplayName}" propertyName="description"/>			    
      		<!-- This tab is for supporting version reference of a RecipeCollection -->
      				<PropertyTabPane name="manageVersionTab"
      						<!-- Only show this tab if the object type is recipeCollection, Content Version is enabled  -->
      					<EnablementAndCondition conditionId="recipeCollectionManageVersionTabCondition">
      						<EnablementCondition checkObjectDefinition="true" propertyName="objectType" enablementValue="RecipeCollection" conditionId="recipeCollectionManageVersionObjectTypeCondition"/>
      						<EnablementCondition enablementValue="" propertyName="objectVersionId" conditionId="noObjectVersionIdCondition"/>
      						<EnablementCondition contextName="contentVersionEnabled" enablementValue="true" conditionId="recipeCollectionContentVersionContextValueCondition"/>
      						<EnablementCondition checkNewObject="true" enablementValue="false" conditionId="recipeCollectionContentVersionNewObjectCondition"/>
      		<!-- Property Pane: Manage Version. This is an instantiation of the property pane definition which contains versions. -->
      					<PropertyPane baseDefinitionName="wcfManageContentVersion"/>
    3. Save your changes.
