Testing your customization

In this lesson, you test your customization by creating the new workspace, new task groups, and new tasks by using the Workspace Administration Tool.


  1. Open the Workspace Administration Tool by using the following URL: http://hostname/webapp/wcs/wkspcadmin/servlet/ToolsLogon?XMLFile=workspaceadmin.WorkspaceAdminLogon. Use the workspace manager, ConMgr, that you created previously.
  2. Create the following assets:
    1. A new workspace that is named, Maintenance.
    2. Two new task groups with the names, Recipe introductions and Recipe Management.
    3. Two new tasks within the task group, Recipe introductions
      • Create Recipe Collection: Choose ProMgrA as the Selected content Contributors
      • Create Recipe : Choose ProMgrB as the Selected Content Contributors
    4. Two new tasks within the task group, Recipe Management
      • Create Recipe Collection: Choose ProMgrB as the Selected Content Contributors
      • Create Recipe : Choose ProMgrA as the Selected Content Contributors
    5. Activate the two new task groups, Recipe introductions and Recipe Management.

    The result is as shown in the following screen captures:

    Screen capture that displays how to create the workspace task group for Recipe Management.

    Screen capture that displays how to create the workspace task for Create Recipe Collection.

    Screen capture that displays how to create the workspace task for Create Recipe.

    Screen capture that displays how to create the workspace task for Create Recipe Collection

    Screen capture that displays how to create the workspace task for Create Recipe.

  3. Open Management Center by using the URL: https://localhost/lobtools. Open the tool with the user ProMgrA .
  4. In the Task panel, select To Do to make the –Task list for ProMgrA .
  5. Choose the task Create Recipe, right-click it and select WorkOn, which means ProMgrA works within the task group Recipe Management.

    Screen capture that displays the Task panel in the Management Center.

  6. Select the Recipes tool and change the store to Sample Store (Recipe Tutorial).
  7. Select the recipe "Penne Pasta Salad" under "Western Foods".
  8. Double-click "Penne Pasta Salad" to open the recipe for editing.
  9. Update Long Description and click Save and Close:

    Screen capture that displays the Recipes tool.

  10. Open the Management Center by using the URL: https://localhost/lobtools. Open the tool with the user ProMgrB .
  11. In the Task panel, select To Do to make a To Do list for ProMgrB .
  12. Choose the second task, Create Recipe, right-click, and select WorkOn, which means ProMgrB works within the different task group Recipe Introductions.

    Screen capture that displays the Task List in the Management Center.

  13. Select the Recipes tool and change the store to Sample Store (Recipe Tutorial).
  14. Select to work on the same recipe, "Penne Pasta Salad". Try to modify its Long description again or other contents and save.

    The error message: "The business object is locked and cannot be modified" is displayed as shown in the following screen capture.

    Screen capture that displays a locked business object in the Recipes tool.