Feature Pack 5

Define the list views for folders

Feature Pack 5

In this lesson, you are defining the list views for displaying your folder information in Management Center.

Feature Pack 6 or laterAttention: This tutorial is based on the folder support that is included in Feature Pack 5 and is not recommended if you are on a newer feature pack level. Beginning with Feature Pack 6, support is provided by default for grouping e-Marketing Spots, activities, customer segments, marketing content, promotions, and attribute dictionary attributes. This support includes the capability of creating, changing, and deleting folders within the Management Center Catalogs, Marketing, and Promotions tools. You are not able to group folders created by following this tutorial with folders that are created by using Management Center. If you create Management Center folders by following the steps included in this tutorial, delete those folders before you create folders by using Management Center. For more information about folders, see Folders.

Feature Pack 7 or laterSupport is provided by default for grouping content pages and layouts in the Commerce Composer tool. This support includes creating, changing, and deleting folders with the Commerce Composer tool.

About this task

You use the navigation list views to display objects that are related to the currently selected object. A list view lists objects in the form of a table, providing selected information about the object, within table cells. For example, a list of folders that show the type, store, name, and description for an object. After you define a marketing folder type, you must define the navigation lists for the folder type. You must define the navigation list so that sub folders and e-Marketing Spots in folders display in the Marketing tool. After you define the folder list views, you can select a folder in the Marketing tool. When you select the folder, you can view the list of sub folders and e-Marketing Spots in the folder.

For more information about defining a list view, see defining a list view.


  1. Navigate to LOBTools > WebContent > config > commerce > marketing > listViewDefinitions
  2. Right-click listViewDefinitions; click New > File
  3. For the File name, enter EMarketingSpotFolderListView.def, click Finish.
  4. Open the EMarketingSpotFolderListView.def for editing, and add the following code into the file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                Defines the views to display top level folder, sub folders and the corresponding E-Marketing Spots in the folders.
                A list view lists objects in the form of a table, providing selected information about the object, within table cells.
                For example, a list of folders showing the type, Store, Name and Description etc.
          <!--- This grid displays the contents and characteristics of a list of top level EMarketingSpotFolder Marketing folders}. -->
          <ObjectGrid definitionName="extTopEMarketingSpotFolderGrid" preferenceKey="extEMarketingSpotFolderGrid">
                <GridIconTypeImage name="type" propertyName="" required="true" text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderType}" width="60"/>
                <GridStoreName name="store" propertyName="objectStoreId" text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderStore}" width="125"/>
                <GridText datatype="number" editable="false" name="uniqueID" propertyName="folderId"  text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderList_uniqueID}" visible="false" width="90"/>
                <GridText editable="true" name="folderName" propertyName="identifier" required="true" text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderList_identifier}" visible="true" width="180"/>
                <GridText editable="true"  name="folderDescription" propertyName="description" text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderList_description}" visible="true" width="350"/>          
          <!-- This child list editor shows a list of top level folders when the 'E-Marketing Spot Folders' organizational node is selected in the navigation view. -->
          <ChildListEditor definitionName="extTopEMarketingSpotFolderGridEditor" listDefinitionName="extTopEMarketingSpotFolderGrid" objectTypes="EMarketingSpotFolder,InheritedEMarketingSpotFolder"/>
          <!--- This navigation list definition is used to display top level EMarketingSpotFolder. -->
          <NavigationListDefinition definitionName="extTopEMarketingSpotFolderGridChildList" displayName="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderListMenuTitle}" listDefinitionName="extTopEMarketingSpotFolderGridEditor" listTitle="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderListTitle}" toolbarIcon="listToolbarIcon"/>
          <!--- This grid displays the contents and characteristics of a list of EMarketingSpotFolders -->
          <ObjectGrid definitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderGrid" preferenceKey="extEMarketingSpotFolderGrid">
                <GridIconTypeImage name="type" propertyName="" required="true" text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderType}" width="60"/>
                <GridStoreName name="store" propertyName="objectStoreId" text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderStore}" width="125"/>
                <GridText datatype="number" editable="false" name="uniqueID" propertyName="EMarketingSpotFolderId" objectPath="EMarketingSpotFolderGroup" text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderList_uniqueID}" visible="false" width="90"/>
                <GridText editable="true" name="folderName" propertyName="identifier" objectPath="EMarketingSpotFolderGroup" required="true" text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderList_identifier}" visible="true" width="180"/>
                <GridText editable="true"  name="folderDescription" propertyName="description" objectPath="EMarketingSpotFolderGroup" text="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderList_description}" visible="true" width="350"/>          
          <!-- This child list editor shows a list of E-Marketing Spot folders that are children of an E-Marketing Spot folder. -->
          <ChildListEditor definitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderGridEditor" listDefinitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderGrid" objectTypes="EMarketingSpotFolderReference,InheritedEMarketingSpotFolderReference"/>
          <!--- This navigation list definition is used to display EMarketingSpotFolders -->
          <NavigationListDefinition definitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderGridChildList" displayName="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderListMenuTitle}" listDefinitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderGridEditor" listTitle="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderListTitle}" toolbarIcon="listToolbarIcon"/>          
          <!--- This grid displays the contents and characteristics of a list of e-Marketing Spots-->
          <ObjectGrid definitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderItemGrid" preferenceKey="mktEMarketingSpotGrid">
                <GridText objectPath="EMarketingSpotGroup" alignment="right" datatype="number" editable="false" name="uniqueID" propertyName="uniqueId" text="${mktMarketingResources.uniqueId}" visible="false" width="90"/>
                <GridIconTypeImage objectPath="EMarketingSpotGroup" name="type" propertyName="" required="true" text="${mktMarketingResources.type}" width="60"/>
                <GridStoreName objectPath="EMarketingSpotGroup" name="store" propertyName="objectStoreId" text="${mktMarketingResources.store}" width="125"/>
                <GridText objectPath="EMarketingSpotGroup" editable="true" name="eMarketingSpotName" propertyName="name" required="true" text="${mktMarketingResources.objectName}" visible="true" width="250"/>
                <GridText objectPath="EMarketingSpotGroup" editable="true" name="description" propertyName="description" text="${mktMarketingResources.description}" width="450"/>
          <!-- Child list editor to display E-Marketing Spot in a folder. -->
          <ChildListEditor definitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderItemGridEditor" listDefinitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderItemGrid" objectTypes="EMarketingSpotFolderItemReference,EMarketingSpotFolderInheritedItemReference,InheritedEMarketingSpotFolderInheritedItemReference"/>
       <!--- This navigation list definition is used to display E-Marketing Spot Folder Item References} -->
          <NavigationListDefinition definitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderItemGridChildList" displayName="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderItemListMenuTitle}" listDefinitionName="extEMarketingSpotFolderItemGridEditor" listTitle="${extMarketingResources.EMarketingSpotFolderItemListTitle}" toolbarIcon="listToolbarIcon"/>
  5. Save your changes.


The preceding code sample defines the following NavigationListDefinitions:
  • extTopEMarketingSpotFolderGridChildList: This definition is used to display the top-level folders
  • extEMarketingSpotFolderGridChildList: This definition is used to list sub folders in a folder
  • extEMarketingSpotFolderItemGridChildList: This definition displays a list of e-Marketing spots in a folder.
The following ChildListEditors are defined:
  • extTopEMarketingSpotFolderGridEditor: This editor is used for displaying top-level folders.
  • extEMarketingSpotFolderGridEditor: This editor is used for displaying sub folders
  • extEMarketingSpotFolderItemGridEditor: This editor is used for displaying e-Marketing spots in a folder.
The following ObjectGrids are defined:
  • extTopEMarketingSpotFolderGrid: This grid is used to display the type, store, unique ID, identifier, and description of top-level folders.
  • extEMarketingSpotFolderGrid: This grid is used to display the type, store, unique ID, identifier, and description of a folder.
  • extEMarketingSpotFolderItemGrid: This grid is used to display the unique ID, type, store, name, and description of e-Marketing spots.