Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 2Feature Pack 3

Importing attribute dictionary attribute with multiple values data

In this lesson, you create attribute dictionary data with multiple values for the attributes and import the data by using the Management Center Catalog Upload. You create a top category and a product for a new video game with three supported values for the new multiple value attribute Supported Platforms.

About this task

Feature Pack 5Support for adding multiple values for a category entry attribute dictionary descriptive attribute is provided by default. The customization that is described in this tutorial is no longer required if you publish the Aurora starter store or the starter store enhancements for your store.


  1. Create the CSV files
    1. Create a temporary folder in your local drive.
    2. In the temporary folder, create a folder named AD_customization_MultipleValues.
    3. Create the attribute dictionary CSV file.
      1. In the AD_customization_MultipleValues folder, create a file named AttributeDictionary.csv.
      2. Open the file for editing.
      3. Add the following content to the file:
        Supported platform Attribute,STRING,Supported Platforms,String Supported Platforms,Supported Platforms Attribute description,Attribute Group,-1,String Supported Platforms field 1,Supported Platforms Attribute description footnote,PC x86,PC x64,console,mobile,online,,,,,,
      4. Save your changes and close the file.
    4. Create the catalog entries CSV file:
      1. In the AD_customization_MultipleValues folder, create a file named CatalogEntries.csv.
      2. Open the file for editing.
      3. Add the following content to the file:
        Sports Video Game,Product,,1,Video Games,USD,30,1,Sports Video Game,Sports Video Game,Sports Video Game,images/IVDM7002_h-70.png,images/IVDM7002_h-160.png,0
      4. Save your changes and close the file.
    5. Create the catalog entry offer price CSV file:
      1. In the AD_customization_MultipleValues folder, create a file named CatalogEntryOfferPrice.csv.
      2. Open the file for editing.
      3. Add the following content to the file:
        Sports Video Game,66,USD,1,10,0
      4. Save your changes and close the file.
    6. Create the catalog group CSV file:
      1. In the AD_customization_MultipleValues folder, create a file named CatalogGroup.csv.
      2. Open the file for editing.
      3. Add the following content to the file:
        Video Games,TRUE,,1,Video Games,Short desc - Video Games,Long desc - Video Games,images/catalog/Homepage/ad_home_entertainment.png,images/catalog/entertainment/en_US/entertainment_department.png,Key word Video Games,1,0
      4. Save your changes and close the file.
    7. Create the catalog entry attribute dictionary attribute relationship CSV file:
      1. In the AD_customization_MultipleValues folder, create a file named CatentryADRelationship.csv.
      2. Open the file for editing.
      3. Add the following content to the file:
        Sports Video Game,Supported platform Attribute,console,console,Descriptive,1, 
        Sports Video Game,Supported platform Attribute,mobile,mobile,Descriptive,2, 
        Sports Video Game,Supported platform Attribute,online,online,Descriptive,3,
      4. Save your changes and close the file.
  2. Package all the CSV files into a compressed file
    1. Right-click the folder AD_customization_MultipleValues. Select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder. The compressed fileAD_customization_MultipleValues.zip is created
  3. Import the data into WebSphere Commerce with the Management Center Catalogs tool
    1. Open the Management Center Store Catalogs tool as a site administrator or catalog manager.
    2. Select the Extended site catalog asset store
    3. Click File > New > Catalog Upload.
    4. Select AD_customization_MultipleValues.zip and click File > Save.
    5. Ensure that the process is completed successfully. Navigate to Extended Sites Catalog Stores > Video Games. Double-click the catalog entry product Sports Video Game. The three supported platforms display in the Descriptive Attributes tab for the catalog entry.
      Screen capture of multiple values for a product attribute in Management Center.


The attribute dictionary data with multiple values for the attributes is created and imported into your WebSphere Commerce database. You must add support for the multiple value attribute to your storefront. Continue to the next lesson to add support to your storefront.