Feature Pack 8: The Madisons store is deprecated. Most features demonstrated in the Madisons store are available in the Aurora store.

Mobile checkout order summary

The mobile checkout order summary displays the details submitted during the mobile checkout. The information includes the store pickup location, billing address and method, and items in the order. The order's subtotal, discounts, tax, shipping, and total are tallied and displayed following the order information. The Place your order button must be clicked to complete the mobile checkout.

Elements of the mobile checkout order summary

Mobile checkout order summary screen capture

JSP files
  • OrderSummaryDisplay.jsp represents the entire page.
JSP file fragments
  • BreadCrumbTrailDisplay.jspf displays the breadcrumb trail.
  • AddressDisplay.jspf displays the selected store location's information.
  • OrderBillingAddressDisplay.jspf displays the billing address information.
  • OrderBillingMethodDisplay.jspf displays the payment method information.
  • OrderItemDetailsDisplay.jspf displays the item information for the order.
  • OrderItemOrderTotalDisplay.jspf displays the total price information for the order.
Links and buttons
  • When Change store is clicked, SelectedStoreList is called.
  • When edit is clicked for Billing Address, OrderBillingDetails is called.
  • When edit is clicked for Billing Method, OrderPaymentDetails is called.
  • When edit is clicked for Items, OrderItemDisplay is called.
  • When Place Your Order is clicked, OrderProcessServiceOrderSubmit is called.