Feature Pack 8: The Madisons store is deprecated. Most features demonstrated in the Madisons store are available in the Aurora store.Windows

Mapping device-specific requests to a JSP file template

The Madisons mobile starter store uses the incoming HTTP request headers and the wc-devices.xml file by default to route mobile devices to the mobile starter store pages. You can add to the wc-devices.xml file to route additional devices to specific mobile pages. The wc-devices.xml file is reloaded automatically by default when WebSphere Commerce detects changes to the file.

  • If you have not deployed the Madisons mobile starter store, or if you want to disable the auto-reload functionality, remove the wc-devices.xml entry from the WC_eardir/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.foundation/.reloadfilelist file. If the .reloadfilelist file is empty, you can simply remove the file from the directory.
  • WebSphere Commerce Version reload interval can be specified in the .reloadfilelist file by adding the following property:
    For example, if you use a property of reloadinterval=300 in the .reloadfilelist file, the specified files are only reloaded 5 minutes after the last reload time. By default, this property is not specified in the file and when it is not specified, the reload interval is set to 3600, or 60 minutes.
  • You can force the loading of the mobile storefront from a non-mobile browser by entering the following URL:
    • http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/mStoreView?storeId=storeId

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the following prerequisites:


  1. Create an extensions directory and new wc-devices.xml extension file:
    1. Navigate to the WC_eardir/xml/config directory.
    2. Create a new directory called com.ibm.commerce.foundation-ext, if it does not already exist.
      Note: When creating an extensions folder, the folder name ends with -ext. This ensures the default file you are extending remains unchanged.

      By extending the configuration, you can override the properties of the existing wc-devices.xml file.

    3. Navigate to the WC_eardir/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.foundation directory and copy the wc-devices.xml file into the extensions directory you created in the preceding step.
  2. Add your devices to the wc-devices.xml extension file:
    1. Open the new wc-devices.xml, located in your extensions directory.
    2. Locate the default device mappings. For example:
      Feature Pack 4
      	xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/commerce/foundation/config ../xsd/wc-devices.xsd" xmlns:_config="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/commerce/foundation/config">
      	<_config:DeviceGroup internalID="-31" channelID="-6" >
      		<_config:Device name="Apple iPad" userAgentPattern=".*iPad.*Safari.*" />
      		<_config:Device name="BlackBerry Playbook" userAgentPattern=".*PlayBook.*Safari.*" />
      		<_config:Device name="Android Tablets" userAgentPattern=".*Android.((?!Mobile).)*Safari.*" />
      	<_config:DeviceGroup internalID="-21" channelID="-6" >
      		<_config:Device name="Apple iPhone" userAgentPattern=".*iPhone.*Mobile.*Safari.*" />
      		<_config:Device name="Android Handsets" userAgentPattern=".*Android.*Mobile.*Safari.*" />
      	<_config:DeviceGroup internalID="-22" channelID="-6" >
      		<_config:Device name="Android Hybrid Smartphone Client" userAgentPattern=".*Android Smartphone Hybrid.*" />
      	<_config:DeviceGroup internalID="-11" channelID="-6" >
      		<_config:Device name="BlackBerry Bold 9000" userAgentPattern="BlackBerry9000.*" />
      		<_config:Device name="BlackBerry Storm 9530" userAgentPattern="BlackBerry9500.*" />
      		<_config:Device name="BlackBerry Curve 8320" userAgentPattern="BlackBerry8320.*"  />
      		<_config:Device name="HTC S740" userAgentPattern=".*MSIEMobile.*" />
      		<_config:Device name="Nokia S60" userAgentPattern=".*SymbianOS.*Series60/3.1.*Nokia3250.*" />
      		<_config:Device name="Nokia N97" userAgentPattern=".*SymbianOS.*Series60/5.0.*Nokia3250.*" />
    3. Replace the default device mappings with your own mappings, according to the following implementation:
      Defines a logical group of mobile devices with the same internal device ID and channel ID.
      The internal device ID for this device group.
      The channel ID for this device group.
      Defines a mobile device. This mobile device configuration is used for mapping a User-Agent HTTP header to a specific device.
      When a device is found, WebSphere Commerce runtime will set the corresponding device ID and channel ID in the session.
      The name of the device.
      Regular expression used to pattern match the User-Agent HTTP header.
      For example, to create a device mapping for Google Android, use the following snippet:
      <_config:DeviceGroup internalID="-11" channelID="-6">
           <_config:Device name="Google Android" userAgentPattern=".*Android.*" /> 
    4. Save your changes and close the file.
  3. Your extension file changes are automatically deployed to WebSphere Commerce, without needing to restart your server. The wc-devices.xml file is reloaded automatically by default when WebSphere Commerce detects changes to the file.