Introduced in Feature Pack 3

Creating the getCatalogEntryViewWarrantyByID expression builder to use the new search profile

Introduced in Feature Pack 3

In this lesson, you create the getCatalogEntryViewWarrantyByID expression builder to retrieve warranty information from the search index for display in the storefront. You specify the MyCompany_Store_Warranty access profile created as an accessProfile parameter, which controls the amount of data that this expression builder returns. Later you will modify the storefront to use this expression builder with a getData tag.

For implementation details about XPath and access profiles, see Catalog storefront services programming model.


  1. Create a new custom get data configuration file and call it get-data-config.xml in the following directory:
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir\workspace\Stores\WebContent\WEB-INF\config\
      Note: If this directory does not exist, create it. If get-data-config.xml already exists in this directory, insert the custom <expression-builder> data below anywhere before the </_config:get-data-config> snippet.
  2. Copy the following snippet into the file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    This file will map use of the getCatalogEntryViewWarrantyByID expression builder
    to the /CatalogNavigationView[CatalogEntryView[(UniqueID=)]] XPath using the 
    MyCompany_Store_Warranty access profile 
    <_config:get-data-config xmlns:_config="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../xsd/get-data-config.xsd ">
    Pass the new MyCompany_Store_Warranty as an accessProfile parameter.  
    This allows the expression builder to use the new access profile 
  3. Save your changes and close the file.
