Feature Pack 7 or later

Removing the primary WebSphere Commerce search server from the cluster

After you federate and cluster the WebSphere Commerce search server in the advanced configuration, you can optionally remove the primary search server from the cluster.

CAUTION: This approach is not recommended for your WebSphere Commerce search advanced configuration in compatibility mode. Perform this task to remove the primary search server from the cluster only if you have a specific business need or requirement to do so.

Instead, it is recommended that you keep the primary search server in the cluster, and then shut it down. When it is shut down, the node agent still exists, and the cluster is partially started. The DMGR is then able to perform maintenance as needed.

Before you begin

Ensure that you complete the following task:


  1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console for the DMGR profile of the search cluster.
  2. Go to Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters.
  3. Click the cluster that you created in the previous task.
  4. Under Additional Properties, click cluster members. All the servers in the current cluster are listed.
  5. Select solrServer and click delete.
  6. Follow the prompts to complete the deletion process.
  7. Save your changes to the master configuration and ensure that all nodes are synchronized.