Loading changed assets for deployment

If you have many changed database asset files to deploy, use the WebSphere Commerce loading utilities to help with this task. The idresgen utility generates identifiers for XML elements, and the massload utility loads data into the WebSphere Commerce database.

Feature Pack 6 or laterThis topic demonstrates how to change assets for deployment with the massload utility. Feature Pack 6 or laterThe massload utility is deprecated for WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 6. The Data Load utility is the recommended command-line loading utility. If you are currently using the mass load utility, you are recommended to switch to the Data Load utility to load your CSV and XML input files into your target database. If your system contains scheduled and automated processes that use massload, it is recommended that you update these processes to use the Data Load utility. Other WebSphere Commerce utilities that use the massload utility, such as the acpload utility, continue to use the massload utility in WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 6. If you have business reasons to continue using the massload utility, you can continue to use this utility. For more information about the Data Load utility, see Overview of the Data Load utility.


  1. Run the idresgen utility.
  2. Run the massload utility.