Apache DerbyWebSphere Commerce Developer

Resetting the Apache Derby database to contain only bootstrap data

The initial installation of WebSphere Commerce Developer contains pre-published starter stores using Apache Derby as the development database type. You can reset your database and workspace so that they do not contain any starter store resources. If you enabled features, running the reset database and reset stores scripts returns the Apache Derby database to the most recently applied fix pack level.

Before you begin

Ensure that the WebSphere Commerce server is stopped.


  1. Go to the WCDE_installdir\bin directory.
  2. Introduced in Feature Pack 1Run the restoreDefault.bat script. When prompted, confirm that you want to restore the development environment to its default setup by typing YES.
    This script resets WebSphere Commerce Developer to its default settings.
  3. Run the resetdb.bat script. When prompted, confirm that you want to reset the database by typing YES.
    This script resets the database to its bootstrap configuration.
  4. Run the resetstores.bat script. When prompted, you must confirm that you want the stores information in the database to be reset by typing YES.
    This script resets the Stores Web module in your workspace to its bootstrap configuration. After you run the script, the Stores Web module does not contain starter store resources.
  5. If applicable, perform these steps:
    1. If you applied a WebSphere Commerce fix pack, run the updatedb.bat script to update the database to the appropriate level.
      For example,
      WCDE_installdir\bin\updatedb.bat cloudscape 
    2. If you have enabled features from a Feature Pack, re-enable the feature.
      Enabling the feature restores data.
  6. Use the Administration Console to publish only those starter stores that are of interest to you.