Feature Pack 7

BloomReach cookies stored in WebSphere Commerce

BloomReach SNAP uses cookies to store anonymous user information for analytics, testing, and user preferences.

The following table summarizes the cookies that are stored in WebSphere Commerce to support BloomReach SNAP integration:

BloomReach cookies

Category Cookie name Description
BloomReach Organic Search Analytics cookies _br_uid_2 Created by the BloomReach tracking pixel library (BrTrk). It creates a unique anonymous identifier for every browser or device. This cookie is set to expire after 1 year by default.
SNAP Analytics _br_mzs An analytics cookie that records the start and end of sessions. It is also used to route a specific shopper's traffic to the appropriate BloomReach SNAP web servers. This cookie is set to expire after 30 minutes by default.
_br_mzv An analytics cookie that records visit information such as first visit, last visit, and referrer information. This cookie is set to expire after 2 years by default.
A/B Testing _br_meu To continually improve BloomReach SNAP services, A/B tests are performed to measure and compare the performance of various algorithms and features. This cookie that contains unique identifiers for the shopper's experiment segments. It is created and updated by the REST API service. This cookie is set to expire after 1 year by default.
_br_me Contains per-experiment analytics and performance data. It is created and updated by the REST API service. This cookie is set to expire after 1 year by default.
User Preferences _br_mzp Stores a shopper's implicit and explicit preferences. These preferences are used by the BloomReach SNAP services such as Search, Auto-suggest, and JustForYou for personalization. It is created by the REST API service. This cookie is set to expire after 2 years by default.