Configuring the SMTP connection pool properties

Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server SMTP connection pool properties match the SMTP server timeout to avoid periodic mail failure. These failures can occur due to mail being sent with a connection that has already expired on the SMTP server.

The WebSphere Application Server SMTP connection pool properties can be modified to avoid mail failures in one of two ways. You must either:
  • Set Unused Timeout to below the SMTP server connection timeout; and
  • Min Connections to 0.
  • Set Aged Timeout to below the SMTP server connection timeout.

See the WebSphere Application Server documentation for details on these parameters.


To adjust the SMTP connection pool properties within WebSphere Application Server:
WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce - ExpressWebSphere Commerce Professional
  1. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
  2. Expand the Applications menu, and click Enterprise Applications > WC_devcommerce1 > Manage Modules > E-mail Adapter > Enablement-JCAEmailConector.rar > Resource Adapter > J2C connection factories > Enablement-JCAEmailConnector.rar > Connection pool properties.
  3. Change the appropriate values.
  4. Click Apply or OK.
WebSphere Commerce Developer
  1. Make a backup of the WCDE_installdir\wasprofile\config\cells\localhost\applications\WC.ear\deployments\WC\deployment.xml file.
  2. Open the original deployment.xml file for editing.
  3. Find the line that begins with the following markup: <connectionPool xmi:id="ConnectionPool
  4. Change the appropriate values that follow.
  5. Save and close the file.