Introduced in Feature Pack 2

Store Management tool allows you to manage the stores you are authorized to work with

The Store Management tool is the new Management Center tool you can use to manage your stores.

What are some examples of store management tasks?

Here are some examples of store management activities that a Site Administrator can perform using the Store Management tool:
  • A Site Administrator can edit multiple store profiles at the same time and then apply those changes to multiple stores.
  • A Channel Manager can change the store color, store layout, and store banner.

What are the benefits of the store management tool?

The Store Management tool replaces all of the store management features in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, except store creation and the ability to suspend and resume stores.

When managing stores in the Store Management tool, the store function and store style selection process is more efficient than the change flow process previously used in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. In WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, change flow data is saved in configuration files within the stores.war file. Since store function and store style data in Management Center is saved in the Marketing database, you no longer need to update your EAR file or the style.xml and VirtualPages.xml files when you change selected store functions or store style.

You can also stage your selected store functions and store style. If you change the value of a store function in the staging environment, such as which optional fields to display on the Registration and Change Personal Information pages, you do not have to make the change in both the staging and production environments. When you propagate your changes, the production environment is automatically updated.

Which user roles use the store management tool?

  • Sellers, Site Administrators, and Channel Managers can use the Store Management tool to view all of the stores that they are authorized to work with at once and to work with multiple stores at a time.

Demo this feature in an hour!

Follow this step-by-step task that will take you through the process of changing the store color, store layout, and store banner in the Madisons starter store. See: Task flow: Changing store style