Portal integration enhancements

A new service-oriented integration using WebSphere Portal was introduced in WebSphere Commerce Version 6 Feature Pack 2. The new implementation is not compatible with Commerce Enabled Portal available in Version 6 and earlier. The WebSphere Commerce Version 7 and WebSphere Portal Version 6.1 service-oriented integration support gives you an aggregated presentation of WebSphere Commerce Services and non-WebSphere Commerce services.

The benefits of service-oriented integration using WebSphere Portal:
  • WebSphere Portal provides the ability to aggregate and to present contents delivered from services, whether they are provided by WebSphere Commerce or a vendor-acquired software application.
  • Single sign-on from WebSphere Portal provides a secure method of authenticating a user one time within an environment and using that single authentication (for the duration of the session) as a basis for access to WebSphere Commerce Services.
WebSphere Commerce Portal integration features:
Aggregation support
Administrators can compose portal pages that have both WebSphere Commerce portlets and vendor-acquired portlets.
Personalization functionality
WebSphere Commerce portlets can participate in the personalization functionality of the WebSphere Portal Server. For instance, you can display them or not, depending on the role of the user; they can also assume the theme of the page.
Support for multiple devices
You can use WebSphere Commerce portlets in your browser or on mobile devices.
Single SignOn (SSO) capabilities
Users who have signed on to WebSphere Portal are automatically authenticated and registered in WebSphere Commerce.
Standards based solution
Portlets that render WebSphere Commerce content are JSR-168 compliant, enabling them to work with other vendors' portlets in a single portlet container. JSR-168 compliance also supports tools that are designed for JSR-168.
Support for portlet-to-portlet communication
Have your WebSphere Commerce portlets communicate with your other portlets to deliver a rich user experience. For example, a contractor portlet on your page can interact with your WebSphere Commerce portlets to offer services in your local area.
Support for the portlet tag library
You can use the portlet tag library in your pages.
Easier customization
You can reuse existing Web services in portlets that you develop.