Introduced in Feature Pack 3

IBM Digital Analytics conversion event

When the event listener for IBM Digital Analytics, formerly known as Coremetrics Analytics, detects a IBM Digital Analytics conversion event, the event listener calls the IBM Digital Analytics cmCreateConversionEventTag function.

The IBM Digital Analytics conversion event gathers the following data to populate the IBM Digital Analytics cmCreateConversionEventTag data tag:

A required parameter that is the unique identifier for the type of conversion event.
A required parameter that indicates whether the conversion event was initiated or successfully completed. Valid values:
  • 1 = A conversion event was initiated.
  • 2 = A conversion event was successfully completed. Use this value for single-step conversions.
An optional parameter that allows you to group events (eventIDs) into a category you define.
An optional parameter that represents a point value that is used in establishing an arbitrary value for a conversion. The point value allows relative weighting of the initiation and completion of an event. For example, a visitor that initiates a low-value event might be worth 5 points, whereas a visitor that completes a high-value event might be worth 50 points.