Installing the WebUI Standalone

This procedure can be run starting from BigFix Version 9.5.11.

Note: You can install the WebUI component on Red Hat Linux 8 (64-bit).

Install the WebUI on just one computer per deployment. If you want to add the WebUI to a computer where the BigFix client is already installed, you can only do it by running the Fixlet named Install HCL BigFix WebUI Service. The BigFix server installer can be used to install the WebUI only if the target machine has no BigFix client. If you want to use it to install the WebUI on a remote computer, you must first generate the WebUI authentication certificates for that computer. Log in to the computer where you installed the BigFix server and run the / -createwebuicredentials command. For more details about the command, see BESAdmin Linux Command Line. Copy the generated certificates folder to the remote computer before running the installer on it. The WebUI must connect to the same DB2 instance used by the BigFix server, so ensure that this connection is possible from the remote computer.

To install the BigFix WebUI in your production environment, perform the following steps:
  1. From the shell where you extract the server package, move to the installation directory, and enter the following command:
  2. Install the Production type by entering 2, because the Evaluation type does not allow to install the components separately:
    Select the type of installation
    [1]  Evaluation: Request a free evaluation license from HCL. 
    [2]  Production: Install using a production license or an authorization 
    for a production license.
    Choose one of the options above or press <Enter> to accept the default value: [1]
  3. After reading the License Agreement, enter 1 to accept it and continue.
  4. Select 4 if you want to install the WebUI component only:
    Select the HCL BigFix features that you want to install:
    [1]  All components (server, client, Web Reports and WebUI)
    [2]  Server and client only 
    [3]  Web Reports only 
    [4]  WebUI and client only 
    [5]  Server, WebUI and client only 
    [6]  Web Reports, WebUI and client only 
    [7]  Server, Web Reports and client only 
    Choose one of the options above or press <Enter> to accept the default value: [1]
  5. Enter the WebUI HTTPS port number:
    WebUI's port number
    Specify the port number or press <Enter> to accept the default value: 443
  6. Enter the WebUI HTTP redirect port number::
    WebUI's redirect port number
    Specify the port number or press <Enter> to accept the default value: 80
  7. Specify from which folder the WebUI credentials must be taken:
    Choose the folder to pick the WebUI credentials from
    The WebUI needs a set of certificates as credentials to authenticate itself to the HCL BigFix server. These certificates must be generated on the server 
    by running the BESAdmin command --createwebuicredentials and the folder containing them must be copied to this computer. 
    Specify the folder containing the WebUI credentials or press <Enter> to accept the default value: ./cert_webui
  8. Specify the masthead file for your deployment:
    Deployment masthead
    Specify the masthead file (masthead.afxm or actionsite.afxm) for your deployment or press <Enter> to accept the default value:
  9. Specify the DNS name of the machine on which to install the WebUI:
    WebUI DNS name
    This name is used by the server to identify the WebUI. Enter the DNS name of the WebUI or press <Enter> to accept the default value:
  10. Enter the remote DB2 node:
    DB2 remote hostname
    Specify the hostname of the remote DB2 system:
  11. Enter the remote DB2 port number:
    DB2 remote port
    Specify the remote DB2 port number or press <Enter> to accept the default value: 50000
  12. Enter the DB2 remote administrative user:
    DB2 remote administrative user
    Specify the username for the remote DB2 administrative user or press <Enter> to accept the default value: db2inst1
  13. Enter the DB2 remote administrative user password:
    DB2 remote administrative user password
    Specify the password of the remote DB2 administrative user:
    Enter the password again for verification: