Service Now

Service Now is a cloud-based platform that provides IT service management, IT operations management, and business management services. It also provides an API for developers to integrate with other systems. This section explains how to use OAuth 2.0 authentication to integrate ServiceNow with another system.

OAuth 2.0 Credentials are required for integrating BigFix Resolve and Service Now.

OAuth 2.0 is a standard protocol used for authorization and authentication.

It is widely used by web and mobile applications to access user data from other services without requiring users to provide their credentials to those applications.

To set up OAuth2.0 and access OAuth Applications, please visit: . For further details, please connect to the Service Now admin at your organization to setup Service Now Oauth2.0.

The pre-requirements for Service Now are:

  • Base URL: This is the ServiceNow instance URL, which is used to access the ServiceNow application.
  • Username: This is the username of the account that will be used to authenticate and access the ServiceNow instance.
  • Password: This is the password for the above-mentioned username.
  • Client ID: This is a unique identifier for the client application that is integrating with the ServiceNow instance.
  • Client Secret: This is a confidential secret that is used to authenticate the client application with the ServiceNow instance.
  • Contact Type: This field specifies the type of contact that is created when a new incident is logged in ServiceNow. The default value is email, but it can be set to other options depending on the organization's requirements.
  • Short Description: This field specifies the short description of the incident that is created in ServiceNow. The default value is "Resolve", but it can be set to other options based on the organization's requirements.
  • Assignment Group: This field specifies the group that will be responsible for handling the incident.
  • Assignment Group Get: This field specifies the group that will be used to look up the incident assignee.

Service Now Service Account should have access to REST API to Create and Update Incidents.