Use case recommendation - CSV Dump

Use case can be extracted from a csv file containing variations of an utterance which can be pushed into the recommender model.

  1. Upload CSV button will allow the user to upload the file only in CSV format.
Figure 1. Figure 169 – Use Case Recommendation Modal using CSV Upload
  1. You can use the sample attached in this document for testing the feature, which also contains the correct format accepted by the module.

  1. Download the file, save it locally and click on the upload CSV button. Once the modal is opened, the user would be transitioned to the second stage known as “Chat log option”.
Figure 2. Figure 170 – Use Case Recommendation CSV Source Upload
  1. This form allows you to upload a CSV file with a limit of containing at least 10 variations and at most 1000 variations excluding variation row (first row for column headers).
  • If file contains less than 10 variations, then it will prompt an error message.

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Figure 171 – Use Case Recommendation CSV Source Upload Error – Min Variations

  • If a file contains more than 1000 variations so it will prompt an error message as follows:
Figure 3. Figure 172 – Use Case Recommendation CSV Source Upload Error – Max Variations
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
  • If a file contains proper variations between the range 10 to 1000, the CONTINUE button would be enabled to move to the recommendation stage.
Figure 4. Figure 173 – Use Case Recommendation Valid Upload
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
  1. Click on the CONTINUE button to start using machine learning to propose use case recommendations.
  2. The model performs automated grouping of variations and identifying intent name for the group of variations, on a recommendation option will get all the list of use case which is having a cluster of variations. The unique number of use cases would also be visible on the same modal.
Figure 5. Figure 174 – Use Case Recommendation Result
Graphical user interface, text, application, Teams Description automatically generated
  1. The listed use cases are the result of the use case recommendation model and can be used to fine tune BigFix AEX’s intent recognition further.
  2. Clicking on the edit icon will allow editing of the intent name and clicking on the add icon will add the intent with variation into your intent tab.
Figure 6. Figure 175 – Use Case Recommendation Intent Addition
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
  1. Click on the “Start over” button to start from the beginning to upload CSV or to use suggest use case.