Counter Examples

Counter examples are used to provide manual classification input to BigFix AEX intent recognition system for identification of intents which should NOT be matched as the selected intent. The following steps show you how to utilize counter examples for better intent recognition:

  1. Open the use case design console for your BigFix AEX tenant/instance.
  1. Select the appropriate skill and click on the intent tab.
  2. On the top button panel, the COUNTER EXAMPLE button should be visible:
Figure 1. Figure 187 – Counter Example Button
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  1. On clicking the counter example button, a side navigation panel will expand:
Figure 2. Figure 188 – Counter Example Side Navigation Screen Expanded
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  1. You can add counter examples and submit them by clicking on the add button.
Figure 3. Figure 189 – Counter Example Variation
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  1. The newly added counter example will be pushed in the variation table.
Figure 4. Figure 190 – Counter Example Variation Addition
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  1. You can delete or edit variation of a counter example using the same panel.
Figure 5. Figure 191 – Counter Example Variation Delete
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Figure 6. Figure 192 – Counter Example Variation Edit
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  1. After clicking on an edit icon, a modal will open which will allow the user to update the counter example name.
Figure 7. Figure 193 – Counter Example Variation Update
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  1. Click on the update button. The newly added counter example name will be pushed in the variation table.
Figure 8. Figure 194 – Counter Example Updated
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