Conversation Status

The status of a conversation depends on the training of the conversation. A detailed description of training functionality is provided further in the document. This section contains three status buttons namely:


  • This Trained icon is always present in the card status section but remains hidden until a conversation is successfully trained.
Figure 1. Figure 79 - Trained icon hidden
  • As soon as a conversation is trained successfully the greyed-out icon lights up in green color.
Figure 2. Figure 80 - Trained (Lit Up in Green)


  • The Error icon is always present in the card status section but remains hidden until an error is caught in that conversation while trying to train the same.
Figure 3. Figure 81 - Error icon hidden
  • As soon as a conversation throws an error while trying to train the same, the icon lights up in red.
Figure 4. Figure 82 - Error (Lit up in red)


  • The Alert icon is present in the card status section always, but remains greyed out until a previously trained conversation flow is updated and is not trained further after making changes to it.
Figure 5. Figure 83 - Alert hidden
  • As soon as any previously trained conversation is updated this icon lights up in amber color and remains the same unless that conversation is trained again. After it is further trained the icon is greyed out again.
Figure 6. Figure 84 - Alert (Lit up in amber)