
Admins can set messages for agents and users. These messages are reflected in the agent chat dashboard and BigFix AEX Chat window.

Figure 1. Figure 54 – Messages
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
  • When an agent joins the conversations, Agent Join message appears.
  • A Transfer Message appears when a chat is transferred.
  • A Transfer Desk Message appears when a chat is transferred to a specific desk.
  • A Close Room Message appears when the conversation ends.
  • A Client-Close Message appears when the agent closes the conversation.
  • A Chat Transfer Message appears when a chat is transferred.
  • A Client Join Message appears when a client joins the room.
  • An Agent Disconnection Message appears when the agent is disconnected.
  • A Wait Time Message appears when the agent is not available. The client gets this message.
  • A Schedule Conversation Response Message appears when the agent schedules a conversation.
  • Chat Doesn't Exist Messages appears to the client when chat doesn't exist.
  • Agent Offline Messages appears when there is no agent available to solve the query.
  • Queue Limit Message appears when the agent reaches the queue limit.
  • Client Unavailable Messages appeared when there is no client available.