Configure Messages for Open IT Ticket Use case

You will notice that the create ticket use case prints out many messages depending upon the context in the BigFix AEX chat window. You can modify the messages by overriding the default messages configured in BigFix AEX code. To override the default messages, you can include parameters to send to the categorization function by adding the parameters corresponding to the messages in the Integration Rule: “CHERWELL_CATALOG_CATEGORIZATION” that can be accessed from the Integration Module in the BigFix AEX Cognitive Console. For more details on the Integration Module, please refer to BigFix AEX Admin Guide.

Please follow the following steps (details of these steps are present in the BigFix AEX Admin Guide):

  1. Open the BigFix AEX Cognitive Console.
  1. Navigate to the Integration module, then click on the List of Integrations, and then edit the Integration called CHERWELL_CATALOG_CATEGORIZATION.
  1. In the parameters tab, you will notice many parameters are already being passed.
    1. Add the parameters corresponding to the default message that you would like to override.

    Figure 12 – Edit Integration – CHERWELL_CATALOG_CATEGORIZATION

  2. Table 5 lists all the messages and the context in which they get printed:
Table 1. Table 5 - Create Ticket Message Configuration
Message/Parameter Name Context Default Value
msg_no_intent_found When no intent (Cherwell Sub-category) was found in the user provided issue description "No Intent Found with required confidence"
no_entity_msg When no entity (Cherwell Category) was found in the user provided issue description "No entity Found with required confidence"
msg_successful_classification When the issue was successfully classified and both Category and Subcategory were identified. “I will be classifying the ticket as follows:<br><b>Service:</b> ((Service))<br><b>Category:</b> ((Category))<br><b>Sub Category:</b> ((Subcategory))<br><br><ul><li>If you are ok with this classification, please press <br><mct:input>Continue</mct:input><br><br></li><li>If you have some other issue/request/subcategory for <b>((Category))</b> than already identified, please press <br><mct:input>Category-((Category))</mct:input><br><br></li><li>If your issue/request is for <b>((Subcategory))</b> but it is regarding some other category, please press <br><mct:input>Subcategory-((Subcategory))</mct:input><br><br></li><li>If you want to provide a new issue description, please press <br><mct:input>Cancel</mct:input></li></ul>”
msg_final_no_service No Service was extracted, and maximum attempts were over. "I am not able to determine the appropriate service for your issue/request. I am sorry I will not able to create a ticket for you as you have exceeded the maximum number of attempts available to provide issue/request description. <br><mct:input>Continue</mct:input><br>"
msg_multiple_services Understood Category and Subcategory but found multiple services “I was able to understand the category (((Category))) and sub-category (((Subcategory))) for your issue/request. However, there are multiple Services defined for this combination in your Cherwell Instance. Please select the appropriate service from following options.<br>((Service))<br><br><ul><li>If you have some other issue/request/subcategory for <b>((Category))</b> than already identified, please press <br><mct:input>Category-((Category))</mct:input><br><br></li><li>If your issue/request is for <b>((Subcategory))</b> but it is regarding some other category, please press <br><mct:input>Subcategory-((Subcategory))</mct:input><br><br></li><li>If you want to provide a new issue description, please press <br><mct:input>Cancel</mct:input></li></ul>”
msg_no_service_defined Understood category and subcategory but no service defined “I was able to understand the category (((Entity))) and sub-category (((Intent))) for your issue/request. Either there is no Service defined or you do not have required access to raise any request for this combination in your Cherwell Instance.<br><br><ul><li>If you have some other issue/request/subcategory for <b>((Entity))</b> than already identified, please press <br><mct:input>Category-((Entity))</mct:input><br><br></li><li>If your issue/request is for <b>((Intent))</b> but it is regarding some other category, please press <br><mct:input>Subcategory-((Intent))</mct:input><br><br></li><li>If you want to provide a new issue description, please press:<br><mct:input>Cancel</mct:input></li></ul>”
msg_final_no_subcategory Maximum attempts are done, and no subcategory was identified. ” I am still not able to understand what issue/request you have for ((Entity)). I am sorry I will not able to create a ticket for you as you have exceeded the maximum number of attempts available to provide issue/request description. <br><mct:input>Continue</mct:input><br>”
msg_no_subcategory No Subcategory recognized “I am able to understand that your issue/request is regarding ((Entity)). However, I am not able to understand what your issue or request regarding it is. Please choose from<br><br>((Category))<br><br>If your issue/request is not regarding <b>((Entity))</b> and you want to provide a new issue description, please press <br> <mct:input>Cancel</mct:input>”
msg_no_category_existing User has no access to the Category or its not present on the Cherwell ” I am not receiving any subcategories under the category <b>((Entity))</b>, this means you may not have permissions for the category <b>((Entity))</b> or Cherwell may not contain this category any more. <br><br>If you want to try with another issue description please click <br><mct:input>Cancel</mct:input><br>”
msg_final_no_category No category found and maximum attempts reached “I am still not able to understand what issue/request you have regarding ((Intent)). I am sorry I will not able to create a ticket for you as you have exceeded the maximum number of attempts available to provide issue/request description. <br><mct:input>Continue</mct:input><br>”
msg_no_category No category recognized “I am able to understand what you want to do - ((Intent)). Can you please tell me what is it regarding?<br><br>((Category))<br><br>If you do not want to do ((Intent)) and you want to provide a new issue description, please press <br><mct:input>Cancel</mct:input>”
msg_no_subcategory_existing User has no access to the subcategory or its not present on the Cherwell. “I am not receiving any cateogries under the subcategory <b>((Intent)) </b>, this means you may not have permissions for the subcategory <b>((Intent)) </b> or Cherwell may not contain this subcategory anymore. <br><br>If you want to try with another issue description please click <br><mct:input>Cancel</mct:input><br>”
msg_final_no_classification No classification could occur with maximum retries "I am still not able to classify your issue/request as per the ticket classification in Cherwell. I am sorry I will not able to create a ticket for you as you have exceeded the maximum number of attempts available to provide issue/request description. <br><mct:input>Continue</mct:input><br>"
msg_no_classification No classification done. "I was not able to classify your issue/request as per the ticket classification in Cherwell.<br><br>To provide a new issue description, please press <br><mct:input>New Issue</mct:input><br><br>To still create a ticket with your current issue description under a default classification, please press <br><mct:input>Continue</mct:input><br>"