
The NumPy package is a requirement for running certain services in Python. To install NumPy, the previous version must be uninstalled, and the contents of the downloaded file should be placed in the python site-packages path.

Table 1. Table 13 – NumPy Requirements
Version 1.20.3
Purpose NumPy package of python needs to be present before starting any of the services

Available as part of BigFix Runbook AI installer package. Follow the below path:

Pre-Requisite Software

Installation Procedure

  1. Before installing NumPy, the previous version of NumPy needs to be removed, if already installed. Open a new command prompt and execute the below command to uninstall the existing version.

    pip uninstall numpy

    Figure 1. Figure 20 – Uninstalling existing NumPy Package
  2. Download the file from the Path mentioned in the source field of Table 13 – NumPy Requirements. The extracted contents from the zip file consists of two folders as depicted in the figure below. Place these two folders in the python site-packages path.


Please ensure to copy the two folders inside NumPy folder to path C:\Python38\Lib\site-packages.

Figure 2. Figure 21 –NumPy zip folder contents
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