Apache Server

Apache Server is used to release features of AI components as REST APIs and create a window service for all Python components. The installation procedure involves downloading and extracting the Apache24.zip file, setting system environment variables, and installing the Apache Service using the command "httpd -k install".

Table 1. Table 9 – Apache Server Requirements
Version 2.4
Purpose Apache Server is used to release features of AI components as REST APIs. This also creates window service for all python components.

Available as part of BigFix Runbook AI installer package. Follow the below path:

Pre-Requisite Software Apache24.zip

Certificate Path - Available as part of BigFix Runbook AI installer package.

Follow the below path:

Pre-Requisite Software Python certificate.zip

Follow the below path for DLL

Pre-Requisite Software HCL.iAutomate.EncryptDecrypt.dll

Pre-Requisite Software Newtonsoft.Json.dll

Installation Procedure

  1. Download the file Apache24.zip from the Path mentioned in source field of Table 9 – Apache Server.
  1. Extract the contents of zip file. It should be placed in the given path: C:\Apache24 .
  2. Add the system environment variable ANT_HOME with the path C:\Apache24
  3. To the system environment Variable Path, add the below paths:



  1. Before starting any of the services, make sure the following DLL files are present in the path C:\Apache24\bin .



DLL will be updated as soon as any change occurs.

  1. Download the certificates from the Path mentioned in Table 9 – Apache Server . After unzipping the certificates, copy them to C:/Program Files/certificate folder.
  2. Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following command to install the Apache Service:

httpd -k install

  1. Go to Run (Windows + R) and type services.msc and start the apache service if the status is not already Running.
Figure 1. Figure 16 - Screenshot of the Apache service