
Java version 1.8.0_282 is a prerequisite for installing Apache Solr for the Advanced AI component of BigFix Runbook AI. To install Java, download the file, create a 'Java' folder in C:\Program Files, and extract the zip file contents into the Java folder. Then, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable and add Java to the Path variable.

Table 1. Table 14 – Java Details
Version Open Jdk distribution of Java version 1.8.0_282
Purpose Advanced AI component of BigFix Runbook AI requires Apache Solr for which Java is a prerequisite.

Available as part of BigFix Runbook AI installer package. Follow the below path:

Pre-Requisite Software

Note It needs to be installed on the server where Apache Solr will be installed

Installation Procedure

  1. Download the folder from the path mentioned in the source field of Table 14 – Java Details .
  1. Create a folder with the name ‘Java’ in the path C:\Program Files and extract zip file inside Java Folder. It should contain the extracted content only.
  2. Please perform the following steps to set environment variable for Java:
  3. Open File Explorer, go to This PC, right-click and select Properties.
Figure 1. Figure 22 – File Explorer
  1. Click on Advanced tab in System Properties window.
Figure 2. Figure 23 - Advanced System Settings
  1. Click Environment Variables.
  2. Click New under System Variables section.
  3. Enter ‘JAVA_HOME’ in the Variable name section and ‘C:\Program Files\Java’ in Variable value section.
  4. Click OK to close the box.
Figure 3. Figure 24 - Adding JAVA_HOME variable
  1. Under System variables section, find the variable named Path, select that variable and click the Edit button.
Figure 4. Figure 25 - Adding java to Path variable
  1. If the last character of Variable value box is not a semi-colon (;) then add semi-colon at the end.
  2. Add %JAVA_HOME%; at the end of the Variable value.
  3. Further add %JAVA_HOME%\bin; at the end of the Variable value.
  4. Click OK to close the dialog box.
  5. To validate successful installation of Java, open Command Prompt as Administrator, and type java –version and press Enter on the keyboard.
  1. On successful Java installation, Java Version will be displayed.
Figure 5. Figure 26 - Check Java Version