
The en_core_web_sm package is a requirement for Python and can be downloaded from the specified source. It consists of two folders that need to be placed in the python site-packages path.

Table 13 – En_core_web_sm Requirements

Version 3.1.0
Purpose En_core_web_sm package of python needs to be present before starting any of the services

Available as part of BigFix Runbook AI installer package. Follow the below path:

Pre-Requisite Software en_core_web_sm.zip

Installation Procedure

  1. Download the file en_core_web_sm.zip from the Path mentioned in the source field of Table 13 – NumPy Requirements. The extracted contents from the zip file consists of two folders as depicted in the figure below. Place these two folders in the python site-packages path.


Please ensure to copy the two folders inside NumPy folder to path C:\Python38\Lib\site-packages.

A picture containing graphical user interface Description automatically generated

Figure 17 –en_core_web_sm zip folder contents