LDAP: Company’s LDAP URL (PATH) and Domain Name

BigFix resolve WebApp integrates with LDAP for Service Now integration as it adds a layer of authentication that only the authorized users can access.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol used for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network. A company's LDAP URL is the web address or hostname of their LDAP server, which allows users to connect to and access the company's directory services. This URL is used to authenticate users and provide access to various resources within the company's network, such as email, files, and applications. The LDAP URL typically begins with the prefix "ldap://" or "ldaps://" for secure connections, followed by the hostname or IP address of the server and the port number. ldap://ldap.example.com or ldaps://ldap.example.com

In this example, "ldap://" indicates that the protocol being used is LDAP, "ldap.example.com" is the hostname of the LDAP server, and ":389" is the port number where the server is listening for LDAP requests. The port number 389 is the default port used for LDAP communication, but it can be different depending on the configuration of the LDAP server.