Patch Document

Click a patch name to see its description, vulnerable devices, and deployment history. Drill further into patch details using the links to associated views.

Pay particular attention to the Notes and Important Notes in a content document: they contain valuable information, including known issues associated with the content.

Image of the Patch Document Overview.

The Patch Document views:

  • Overview – Detailed description of the patch, including metadata, available actions, and vendor links.
  • Vulnerable Devices – List of relevant devices for targeting.
  • Deployments – Patch deployment history.
You can load saved reports in the Vulnerable Devices and Deployments tab. Use the drop-down to select the report.

The information in the Available Actions section is pulled directly from the BigFix database, so options and formatting can vary. A link to the vendor’s release notes is often included. For example, "Click here to see the release notes for Windows XP SP3."