Adding a new data source for disconnected scans

Available from 9.2.7. All scan results are imported to BigFix Inventory from a directory dedicated to disconnected scans. Add this directory as a data source to allow BigFix Inventory to check its content and import all packages that are stored within. The packages are imported during each data import.

Before you begin

All scan results must be manually transferred from all endpoints into the new directory that works as a data source. You can automate this process by using NFS, or by other means that better suit your environment.


  1. On the computer where BigFix Inventory server is installed, create a directory with read and write access, for example:
    • /disconnected
    • C:\disconnected
  2. Log in to BigFix Inventory, and in the top navigation bar click Management > Data Sources.
  3. Click New, and specify the following values:
    1. Specify the name of this data source.
    2. Specify the Database Type as Disconnected.
    3. Specify the location of the directory that you created.
      Note: The path is not validated. Ensure that you provide a correct one.

    Create Data Source pane
  4. Download the catalog for the appropriate platform. It is needed for software discovery. You will copy it to your systems together with the scanner, and the configuration files.
  5. Click Create.

What to do next

Prepare installation files for disconnected scans.