Configuration settings for IVR solution

List of available settings you may change in a configuration file.

Setting name Data type Default value Description Possible values Remarks
LogLevel String DEBUG Sets the logging level for the service.
  • INFO
Ivr_insight.worker_threads Int 8 Sets the number of worker process (for Correlation) that can be run concurrently.
Logger.RetentionInDays Int 5 Indicates the duration of log that you want to retain.
NumberOfConcurrentDataflows Int 1 Sets the number of dataflow processors that can be run concurrently.
DataFlow.QueueRefreshInterval Int 120 The time interval at which the data flow in refreshed.
MinimumConfidenceLevel Int 20 The minimum criteria for a record to match.
CacheRefreshLimit Int 10 Configures the system to refresh cache at a specified time interval. Changing this setting may affect the freshness of data with a tradeoff efficient processing of data
qualys.batch_size Int 10000 Specifies the maximum number of host records processed per request. When not specified, the qualys.batch_size is set to 10,000 host records. You may specify a value less than the default (1-999) or greater than the default (1001-1000000).
PurgeFindingsOnExecutionOfDataflow FALSE

When set to true, will attempt to purge all *invalid ivr data associated with the current dataflow configuration (from which we generate a hash), as well as all data *not* associated with existing dataflow configurations.

*invalid - When the user modifies properties of a dataflow, a new hash is calculated. Data in the IVR schema is linked to the configuration hash from which it was derived.

Note: When the IVR service starts, a purge is performed (regardless of this setting) to attempt to automatically remove all invalid data (again, that is, data in IVR tables linked to a hash that was calculated from a dataflow configuration that has been changed/modified by the user).
rest_api_read_timeout Int By default none of the timeouts will be set, so it is important to configure values accordingly. Number of seconds BFIVR waits until connection to a server is established. Example:

<setting key="rest_api_read_timeout" value="5"/>
It is recommended to set connect timeouts slightly larger than a multiple of 3, which is the default TCP packet retransmission window.
rest_api_response Int Once BFIVR is connected to a server and HTTP request is sent, this timeout is the number of seconds the user waits for server to respond with data. Example:

<setting key="rest_api_response_timeout" value="5"/>
ResponseFile Boolean FALSE

If set to True:

  • for qualys : qualys_response file gets created
  • for tenableSC : tenableSc_ response file gets created
  • for tenableIo : tenableIo_response file gets created