Configuration settings

This module proides details for all available configuration settings.

Setting name Data type Default value Description Possible values
LogLevel Enum INFO Sets the logging level for the service. INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, CRITICAL, ERROR
NumberOfConcurrentDataflows Int 2 Sets the number of dataflow processors that can be run concurrently User defined
PreviewOnly Boolean True If set to true, writes any updates for a datasource into a file (rather than to the datasource) True, False
DataFlow.QueueRefreshInterval Int 120 (in seconds) Number of seconds that a Data Flow Processing Thread sleeps, if there are no pending Tasks. User defined
bigfixrest.QueueRefreshInterval Int 120 (in seconds) The number of seconds that the Adapter Updater waits after collecting the updates. It can be used to throttle output to data sources. User defined
bigfixrest.UpdateBatchSize Int 0 The number of updates that are allowed in a batch. If set to 0, there is no limit. An updater processes all the updates when detected. User defined
servicenowrest.QueueRefreshInterval Int 120 (in seconds) The number of seconds that the Adapter Updater waits after updates. It can be used to throttle output to datasource User defined
servicenowrest.UpdateBatchSize Int 0 The number of updates that are allowed in a batch. If set to 0, there is no limitation and the updater processes all the updates when detected. User defined
bigfixrest.MaxComputerAge Int 2 Limits the computers that are returned by the BigFix Adapter to the number of hours configured by using the Last Report Time of the machine. User defined
Bigfixrest.ContentSiteName String None Provides a custom site for the service to create a custom analysis and inspect the data from ServiceNow. User defined (alphanumeric)
servicenowrest.batch_size Int 250 Limits the records that are returned by the Servicenow Adapter on each request. default value=250, max value= 9999
LogRetentionPeriod Int 5 Time for the process to wait before it deletes the log files in the log folder. The configured value is in days. User defined
ResponseFile Boolean False If set to True, writes the API response to separate files and stores in a 'Files' folder True, False
MailboxCleanup Boolean True If set to True , Mailbox cleanup triggers and deletes the old mailbox files True,False