Results commands (Linux and macOS)

Use results commands to retrieve scan results from the analysis service. get_result

Syntax: get_result -d <file_path> -i <job_id> -t <type>


Retrieve scan results.

Before you use these commands, ensure that you log in to the analysis service.

Required options:

  • -i: Specify -i <job_id>, where <job_id> is the ID of the analysis job.

Optional flags/settings:

  • -d: Specify -d <file_path>, where <file_path> is the fully qualified path for the destination file and/or the file name of the destination file. If a file name is not specified, the file name is based on the scan job name. If a path is not specified, the file is saved to the current directory. If this option is not included, the file is saved to the current directory with a file name that is based on the scan job name.
  • -t: Specify -t <type>, where <type> is either html or zip. The results are saved as an HTML file or as a .zip file that contains the HTML results. If this option is not included, the results are saved as an HTML file.

    If the scan results are for an IRX file that was generated by the package command, specifying -t zip saves results that contain a new .ozasmt file that can be loaded into your AppScan Version 9.0 or higher product.

Tip: For all commands, options can be used in any order.