Manage users

Examine your users and decide who needs access to which applications and asset groups. Consider grouping users by business unit or geography.

About this task

Only administrators have access to User Management capabilities.

Invite users

Invite users who already have an Cloud Marketplace account (HCLid) to join your organization and use your ASoC service subscription.


  1. Select Access management > Users > Invite users.
  2. In the Invite users dialog, add the email addresses of up to twenty users to invite.
  3. Select the users' role. For details, see Roles.
  4. Select an asset group based on your business unit that restricts access to specific applications and limits the users who belong in the group.
    ASoC sends an invitation email with a confirmation link to each invited user.
    Note: It is recommented to select an asset group else the application will be assigned to the Default asset group with limited capabilities where you cannot add a contact person, edit the issues status or delete the asset group.

Change a user's role


  1. Select Access management > Users.
  2. In the row for the user, click The pencil icon
    A drop-down list appears in the role for that user.
  3. Select the role from the list.
    Note: Changes to the role of a user who is currently logged in take effect only after the user logs out and log back in.