Settings panel

1. Screen

a) Selectable Font

Support to select fonts for both 3270 and 5250 display sessions. ZIEWeb-Client supports the following list of fonts, for the terminal screen.

  1. Consolas
  2. Courier
  3. Courier New
  4. Monaco
  5. Monospace
  6. Ubuntu Mono
  7. Anonymous Pro
  8. Cousine
  9. Space Mono
  10. Terminal
  11. Lucida console
  12. If any of the above fonts are available on the client system, the application will automatically detect and list them.

If none ofthem are present, the application uses monospaced fonts.

b) Set Refresh Interval globally:

Administrators can set the refresh interval as a global value for all the clients in “” by using the parameter clientRefreshInterval. Any numeric value can be given to this parameter without any upper limit.

  • Path forconfig.propertiesfile istheZIEWeb publish directory.
  • For example, clientRefreshInterval = 10.
  • If the parameter is set by the admin, then the refresh interval dropdown is disabled with the assigned value and theuser cannot modify the refresh interval at the client side.
  • If the parameter is not set by the admin, then a default value of 5 is set and the user can change the interval from 2 through 5 seconds.

c) Improved Performance and client refresh interval

Reduced download content size & screen traversal time, thereby, also resulting in improved performance while traversing across screens.

2. Key Remap

Z and I Emulator for Web (ZIEWeb) users can map a single key or a key combined with Shift, Ctrl, or Alt to some action in session configuration. The action can be to display a character, to execute a host function and so on.

The above mapping can now be used by ZIEWeb-Client users. If user types the sequence of mapped keystrokes, it performs the mapped action.

  • Key remap supports Macros Functions, and is also editable. ZIEWeb-Client users can use theKey Remap editor capabilitytoassign or unassign a key to a function or reset the key to its default assignment.
  • It also supports importing .kmp (Key Remap file) file.

Custom function KeyRemap

Z and I Emulator for Web Client allows users to add, update, and delete a custom function for keyremap, where a user can map any key to that user-defined custom function. The custom data can be a combination of mnemonic keyword along with a string (for example, logout[enter]). User can also give Unicode encoding, for example, unicode: \u0028 for the special character ‘(‘.

  1. Add:
    • The user can define name and data for the custom function and then map a key to that function.
    • The data is processed when the mapped key is pressed.
  2. Update:
    • Click the row of a specific custom function to view and update the name and data in their appropriate input fields for that function.
    • The user is not allowed to give duplicate name and data for a custom function.
  3. Delete:
    • The user can delete a custom function by selecting that specific function.

Unicode Encoding:

For Unicode encoding in custom function, only the following are supported:

a) Alphabets: A-Z, a-z

b) Numbers: 0-9

c) Special characters:!, ', (,), *, ?, @, ^, ;, <, >, ~

Note: All the unsupported Unicode is displayed as ”?” in the ZIEWeb-Client green screen.

3. Color Remap

  1. An administrator can map default color of 3270 attribute or 5250 elements or OIA color.
  2. Default screen gets repainted with the colors mapped in ZIEWeb.
  3. ZIEWeb-Client users can also edit the color of different attributes and save their changes.

Extended ColorRemap Attributes:

  • Using the Extended color remap property, the ZIEWeb-Client user can change the color of the extended attributes present in the host screen.
  • The Extended color remap attributes are specific to 3270-session type.
  • Select the foreground and background colors from the color picker for a specific-extended attribute.

The extended attributes include:

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Pink
  • Red
  • Turquoise
  • White
  • Yellow

NOTE: Default intensified, and default attributes are excluded.

4. Print Screen

Supportfor printing contents of the terminal screen for both 3270 and 5250 display sessions. ZIEWeb-Client supports two types of printing.

Following are the available options to print the terminal screen:

  1. Print in color - Yes (Color printing)
  2. Print in color - No (Blank and white printing)
  3. Partially selected area of the screen
  4. Entire data available on screen

5. Hotspot

  • Support to enable users to create Hotspots onany area of the session window, in order toexecute a command or a function by pressing the left-hand button of a mouse.
  • Hotspots can be used to perform the following tasks:
  • a) Simulating Function keys.

  • b) Executing a Macro that has the same name as the word that is selected on the screen.

  • c) Simulating the Enter Key at the current Cursor location.

  • d) Connecting to a website by clicking on a URL that appears on the screen.

6. Cut/Copy/Paste

Z and I Emulator for Web Client allows users to select different options that are available to edit functions (cut/copy/paste).

a) Cut/Copy Tab:

Cut/Copy only if a trim rectangle is marked

  • If this checkbox is selected, the user must draw a trim rectangle in order to use the cut or copy function.
  • If this checkbox is cleared, the user can do one of the following:
    • If no trim rectangle is drawn, the user can cut or copy the entire screen.
    • If a trim rectangle is drawn, the user can cut or copy the contents of that trim rectangle.

Trim Rectangle remains after edit function

  • If this checkbox is selected, the trim rectangle remains on the screen after the completion of cut/copy function.
  • If the checkbox is cleared, the trim rectangle disappears when the cut/copy function is completed.

Copy As TableGroup

This function can be used in 3270 and 5250 field-formatted display sessions. It allows you to copy fields from the screen in a tabular form.

  • Copy As Fields

This function can be used in 3270 and 5250 field-formatted display sessions. The user can copy fields from the screen in a tabular form. Data inside every new field that is copied, is considered as a separate column in the table. By default, the Copy as Fields function is disabled. This menu option acts as a toggle switch. When it is enabled or disabled, the option is applicable only to the current session.

- Protected fields

(To copy data from the protected or non-editable fields.)

- Unprotected fields

(To copy data from the unprotected or editable fields.)

- Trim spaces in fields

(To trim leading and trailing spaces in the data field contents that were copied.)

b) Paste Tab

Paste option is enabled if the user copies text from the emulator session.

Field Wrap: Allows the data that falls in a protected field is pushed to the next nearest unprotected field. The Field Wrap function does not break words in the middle, except when the first word encounters a protected field.

Line Wrap: Enables recognition of end-of-line and end-of-screen indicators and continues to paste your data.

Paste to marked area: Determines if you use a trim rectangle to designate exactly where to paste your data.

Stop pasting when protected field encountered: Allows your data to be pasted until a protected field is encountered unless Field Wrap, Line Wrap, or Paste to marked area is enabled.

Tab character processing: These paste preferences indicate how tab characters must be processed while pasting.

  1. Advance to next tab stop: Enables you to align tabulated text at specified tab stops.
  2. Replace with: Allows you to replace tab stops with a specified number of spaces.
  3. Paste data to fields: Determines whether your tabulated text is placed in subsequent unprotected fields. When a tab character is encountered, the succeeding text data is pasted into the next unprotected field on the same line of the emulator session.

7. Mouse wheel support

This feature allows Users to map the key functions with mouse wheel rotation (up/down).

  • Users can enable/disable the mouse wheel feature from the Settings panel, and can specify the function key which is to be triggered,when the mouse wheel is rotated up or down.
  • This Setting options include the following:
  • Page Up- The choices of key functions available for page up depend on the type of the session, user is running and include the following:
    • 3270 Session: PF1-PF24, PA1-PA3, Attention and Enter.
    • 5250 Session: Page Up, Page Down, PF1-PF24, PA1-PA3, and Enter.
  • Page Down– The choices of key functions available for page down depend on the type of the session user is running and include the following:
    • 3270 Session: PF1-PF24, PA1-PA3, Attention and Enter.
    • 5250 Session: Page Up, Page Down, PF1-PF24, PA1-PA3, and Enter.
  • Changes will be saved to the config server for configuration-based model and to the browser cache for HTML and Combined-based models.

8. Cursor (Cursor style set update)

  • ZIEWeb-Client supports Block, Underline, Crosshair and Blinking cursors.
  • The Cursor styles can be enabled/disabled directly by Users in the Client side, if the option is unlocked at the Server side.
  • Users can be restricted from modifying the cursor style in the client page, by disabling the check-box corresponding to this feature at the Server side.
  • The corresponding cursor style will be displayed on the green screen, when a User selects this feature from the Cursor tab in the Settings panel.
  • Changes will be saved to the config server for configuration-based model and to the browser cache for HTML and Combined-based models.
  • It allows the user to use the mouse for light pen functions. This option is useful when the user encounters a host application that requires light pen functions.

9. Preferences

a) Status Bar:

  • Status bar can be viewed on both 3270 and 5250 display sessions.
  • Connection details are shown in status bar.
  • OIA (Operator Information Area) status are displayed as text in status bar.

b) Confirm on exit:

  • The Confirm On Exit prompt window can be enabled or disabled by Users from the client page, when this feature is unlocked at the Server side. Users can be restricted from modifying this feature in the client page, by disabling the check-box corresponding to this feature at the Server side.
  • When a session on the client page is closed, the Confirm on Exit prompt window appears only if the check-box is enabled on the Preferences tab in the Settings panel.
  • In the pop-up window that appears, clickon 'OK' toterminate the session, or on 'Cancel' toremain on the presentation window.

If the check-box is disabled (or unchecked) on the Preferences tab in the Settings panel, the Confirm on Exit prompt window will not appear

c) Search on Canvas:

The Search on Canvasfeature allows Users to search for specific keywords/text in the green screen and will appear at the top of the presentation screen on the client side. The search results for a successful search is highlighted with a rectangular box.

The below basic options are available for the Search feature:

  • case-sensitive search.
  • find number of occurrences.
  • navigate to next/previous occurrence of search.
  • navigate to first occurrence of search.

This feature is available under Settings --> Preferences tab.

  • If the parameter is locked by the Admin, the option will be disabled and cannot be modified by Users at the client side.
  • If the parameter is unlocked by the Admin, the option will be enabled and can be modifiedby Users at the client side.