
Session Manager API

  • ZIEWeb-Client also supports specialized APIs, called Session Manager APIs. These JavaScript-based APIs help application developers manage host sessions and text-based interactions with host sessions.

To know more about the configuration details and list of API's supported, refer to the blog on Session Manager API in HCL Software Blog.

Function update HTMLParameters()

  • The purpose of this function is to modify the session properties dynamically. This function is called before the create connection is established. The overridden values take precedence over the initial session properties setup by the administrator. The overridden property is locked so the user cannot change it.

Steps to set the parameters:


  • Create json array and pass it to the below method.

    Var hod_applet = new hod_session();
    Var json_object = {“host”:”host_address”,”port”:”23”}


  • Create json array repetitively calling below function
  • Pass a json object to ZIEWeb-Client using below api

    Var hod_applet = new hod_session();
    hod_applet.setHTMLParametersToOverride(“HOST”,”HOST ADDRESS”);
    hod_applet.setHTMLParametersToOverride (“port”,”12175”); etc
    hod_applet.setHTMLParametersToOverride(); //finally this to call set method

Dynamically modifying session properties:

  • By default the session definitions are defined by the administrator. By Overriding HTML parameters, can modify the session properties in the client side. Only a particular session properties can be override. They are Host, Port , Code page, LUName, Workstation ID and Screensize.
  • The overridden values takes precedence over both the initial session properties setup by the administrator.
  • The overridden property is locked so the user cannot change it.

For more information, refer to the blog on Dynamically modifying session properties in HCL Software Blog.

Add Parameters in Deployment wizard:

  • Need to include an HTML parameter

    EnableHTMLOverrides and set it to true (In Deployment Wizard, Advanced options à HTML parameters).

  • Need to include an HTML parameter

    TargetedSessionList, having a value of exact name of the session to accept overrides (In Deployment Wizard, Advanced options à HTML parameters).

The list of session properties that can be overridden is given below:

Parameter name Description Valid Values
Host Host name or IP address of the target server. Appears as "Destination address" on property panels. Applies to all session types Host Name or IP address
HostBackup1 Host name or IP address of the backup1 server. Appears as "Destination address" of backup1on property panels. Applies to all session types. Host Name or IP address
HostBackup2 Host name or IP address of the backup2 server. Appears as "Destination address" of backup2on property panels. Applies to all session types. Host Name or IP address
Port The port number on which the target server is listening. Appears as "Destination port" on property panels. Applies to all session types. Any valid TCP/IP port number.
PortBackup1 The port number on which the backup1 server is listening. Appears as "Destination port" of backup1 on property panels. Applies to all session types. Any valid TCP/IP port number.
PortBackup2 The port number on which the backup2 server is listening. Appears as "Destination port" of backup2 on property panels. Applies to all session types. Any valid TCP/IP port number.
CodePage The codepage of the server to which the session will connect. Appears as "Host Code-Page" on property panels. Applies to all session types except FTP. The numeric portion (for example, 037) of the supported host codepage listed in the session property panel.
LUName The name of the LU or LU Pool, defined at the target server, to which you want this session to connect. Appears as "LU or Pool Name" on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display and 3270 Printer session types. The name of an LU or LU Pool.
LUNameBackup1 The name of the LU or LU Pool, defined at the backup1 server, to which you want this session to connect. Appears as "LU or Pool Name" of backup1 on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display and 3270 Printer session types. The name of an LU or LU Pool.
LUNameBackup2 The name of the LU or LU Pool, defined at the backup2 server, to which you want this session to connect. Appears as "LU or Pool Name" of backup2 on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display and 3270 Printer session types. The name of an LU or LU Pool.
WorkstationID The name of this workstation. Appears as "Workstation ID" on property panels. Applies to 5250 Display and 5250 Print session types. A unique name for this workstation.
ScreenSize Defines the number of rows and columns on the screen. Appears as "Screen Size" on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display, 5250 Display, and VT Display session types.
  • value=rows x columns
  • 2=24x80 (3270, 5250, VT)
  • 3=32x80 (3270)
  • 4=43x80 (3270)
  • 5=27x132 (3270, 5250)
  • 6=24x132 (VT)
  • 7=36x80 (VT)
  • 8=36x132 (VT)
  • 9=48x80 (VT)
  • 10=48x132 (VT)
  • 11=72x80 (VT)
  • 12=72x132 (VT)
  • 13=144x80 (VT)
  • 14=144x132 (VT)
  • 15=25x80 (VT)
  • 16=25x132 (VT)

An administrator can set the custom parameters using 1 of the following methods.

  1. By Setting all the parameters in the Deployment Wizard;
  2. OR, By Using custom JSP code (feature delivered as part of custom UX). In template file update hHod_AppletParams variable with all the custom parameters.

    For Example:
    hHod_AppletParams[“host”] = “host_address”;
    hHod_AppletParams[“port”] = “port_number”;
  3. OR, By Setting parameters via Session managers API using one of the below ways.
    • Option-1:
      • Create json array and pass it to the below method.

        Var hod_applet = new hod_session();
        Var json_object = {“host”:”host_address”, ”port”:”23”}
    • Option-2:
      • Step 1: create json array repetitively calling below function.
      • Step 2: pass json object to ZIEWeb-Client using below api.
        Var hod_applet = new hod_session();
        hod_applet.setHTMLParametersToOverride(“HOST”,”HOST ADDRESS”);
        hod_applet.setHTMLParametersToOverride (“port”,”12175”); etc
        hod_applet.setHTMLParametersToOverride(); //finally this to call set method


The session manager API (Application Programming Interfaces) will not work with auto-start sessions.
Application Server:
  • ZIEWeb Client support with Tomcat Support with version 9.x.x and below .
  • While playing back a macro, the session gets disconnected when continue is pressed in the intermediate screen after we deploy the WAR file in Tomcat Appserver.
WEL & SSO Macro:
  • Before starting the server, the user must place DB jars (e.g., DB2) in the server/application lib folder. (All Lib from WAR should copy to the EAR to work with the ZIEWEB client application)

    Note: In the case of EAR and WAR file deployment, we need to mention deployed Jar names in MANIFEST.INF File.

  • The "SSO Macro Alternative start screen" option is not supported. (Will be used in the future for different sessions).
  • Auto Start Macro Option will not appear after the SSO Macro record.
  • Config Based Web Express Logon is not implemented.
  • AutoStart macro will not work when the macro is recorded in ZIEWEB client End.


While adding a path for printedFileLocation in Printer Session or templateURL in Custom UI in web.properties at the private directory, use a double backslash instead of a single backslash.

Example: D:\\FolderName\\FileName.jsp instead of D:\Foldername\FileName.jsp

Printer session:
The printed files will not be saved in a customized directory (on using Shared/Network location) in the following:
  • Windows - IBM WAS and Embedded Application Server.
  • RHEL - Tomcat, WLP, IBM WAS, and Embedded Application Server.
  • z/OS - Embedded Application Server
  • Opening ZIEWeb Client Html page from Touch Devices

Instead of that, it will be saved in the Application Server location.

Host Codepage Addition – DBCS Support:
  • The admin console will not support a few properties of DBCS when a session starts.
  • In the DBCS session, operations like overwrite, backspace, and delete will be handled on the server. Hence copying and pasting the DBCS characters are working partially but pasting the DBCS characters continuously will not work as expected.
Host file transfer:
  • Host File Transfer → Send file transfer does not work with Tomcat version v9.x.x Application Server.
  • Host File Transfer and Host File Printing do not work in DBCS Session. The user will not see the expected characters post the file transfer and file printing.

Illegal Filename Characters for customize attributes

Do not use any of these common illegal characters or symbols in your filenames or folders:
  • # Pound
  • % Percent
  • & Ampersand
  • { left curly bracket
  • } right curly bracket
  • \ Backslash
  • < left angle bracket
  • > right angle bracket
  • * Asterisk
  • ? question mark
  • / Forward slash
  • blank spaces
  • $ dollar sign
  • ! exclamation point
  • ' Single quotes
  • " Double quotes
  • : colon
  • @ at sign
  • + plus sign
  • ` backtick
  • | pipe
  • = equal sign