Using wildcards

Workload Automation Programming Language supports the use of wildcards in many commands, either partially or completely.

Wildcards are completely supported for the standard keywords of the Data Access commands based on PIF, and for the PIF related keywords of the Current Plan Operation commands. In both cases, you can use wildcards as in the HCL Workload Automation for Z PIF commands:
Percentage sign (%)
Represents any single character.
Asterisk (*)
Represents one or more characters.
You can use more than one wildcard in the command. For example:
Matches values beginning with ABC.
Matches values ending with XYZ.
Matches values beginning with ABC, followed by 3 characters of any value and ending with XYZ.
Matches any values starting with DEF at the fifth position in the string.
Wildcards are partially supported for non-PIF keywords within Workload Automation Programming Language where wildcard support is explicitly stated. In this case, you can use wildcards as in the HCL Workload Automation for Z PIF commands:
Percentage sign (%)
Represents any single character.
Asterisk (*)
Represents one or more characters.
Only the percentage sign (%) can be used multiple times. If the asterisk (*) is used more than once, any subsequent asterisk will be treated as an asterisk (*) and not a wildcard. For example:
Matches values beginning with ABC.
Matches values ending with XYZ.
Matches values beginning with ABC, followed by 3 characters of any value and ending with XYZ.
Matches any values starting with DEF at the fifth position in the string.