Running Workload Automation Programming Language as a console command

You can create custom versions of the EQQYXJPX procedure, for each controller you have, that enable simple Workload Automation Programming Language commands to be run from the console or automation products.

You do this by using a special entry point value of CMD called EQQYXSTC, which takes the ARGS value and runs it as a command, allowing a single command to be entered at the console. The custom version would be similar to the normal EQQYXJPX, but would be specifically customized for the controller values in the PROC statements and the CMD symbolic would default to EQQYXSTC to call the special entry point.

The following example shows a custom procedure for a controller called WSLC to run a single command from the console. Ensure that:
  • The data sets in the STEPLIB, SYSPROC, and EQQMLIB DD statements reference the appropriate controller version.
  • You set a EQQYPARM DD statement, to ensure that the command reaches the controller regardless of the LPAR from which it is submitted.
//         ARGS='', 
//         CMD=EQQYXSTC, 
//         REG=4M,
//         SUBSYS=WSLC,
//         VER=V920,
//         #= 
//         REGION=&REG,
//         PARM=&@'&CMD &SUBSYS-&VER &ARGS'&# 
//EQQMLOG  DD SYSOUT=*                                        
//EQQDUMP  DD SYSOUT=*                                        
//SYSTSIN  DD DUMMY         

Provided that the customized procedure is located in the correct library for started tasks, you can run a console command such as S WSLCEXEC,ARGS='ADD ADID(MYAPPL)'.

Note: There is a restriction for this method that the commands to be issued cannot contain single quotation marks. Single quotation marks are needed only in limited circumstances with Workload Automation Programming Language, limiting the impact of this restriction.

For triggering multiple commands from the console, provided that they can be predefined, you can add a DD statement, for example MYCODE, within the custom procedure to contain predefined groups of statements, which can then be called as follows:


This would include and execute a member called WHATEVER from the MYCODE DD statement within the customer procedure.

With some automation products it is possible to define command rules to look for an automation-specific prefix to then translate a short form of the command into a started task call. For example, if you enter !WSLC ADD ADID(MYAPPL) automation rules translate it to S WSLCEXEC,ARGS='ADD ADID(MYAPPL)'.